Funny then, that you have flare guns (instruments to signal), starting pistols (instruments to indicate a race has begun), and a large number of firearms designed and manufactured for the sole purpose of competition shooting.
Such as my float barrel Dan Wesson .44, and my Ruger long barrel. Or my daughter's target rifle. All examples of firearms designed exclusively for target practice/competition sporting.
Now, as a former soldier I took a number of lives with weapons designed to do so. Notice that I'm now calling the tool in question a weapon, because that is its purpose. Designed to extend my life expectancy by removing a threat.
But why stop at guns? Let's move on to knives and other blades. A much older form of killing someone else. Some blades are designed solely as weapons to take a life - swords for example. Millions of swords were used to take lives over the years - but that fact alone in no way means that the utility knife strapped by my belt was meant for the same purpose. The slingblade I have in the garage for clearing brush would be devastating if used against a person - but it's not. It's a lawn care tool.
And let's not even get started on all the cheapo display swords/etc you get from BudK or whever, whose sole intended purpose is to be hung up on a wall or worn as shitty cosplay.
Hell, let's get into vehicles. When attached to the 101st, there was a cav unit with us that had a rather nasty variation of the Stryker vehicle - called a 'street sweeper', it had attachments on the front to mow through crowds. This was a vehicle designed to shred pedestrians without firing a shot while moving down a street. But hey.. it has wheels and a combustion engine, right? Oh snaps, I guess that means my SUV is also a murder machine.
Do you see how utterly ridiculous that train of thought is? YES, there are firearms that were designed solely to kill others. There are many, many more designed for non-homicidal use, such as hunting and sport shooting. At the end of a day, a tool is a tool. How it's used is what matters. And quite honestly - given your outlook, I would never trust you with a firearm to begin with if the only possible use you can see for them is to take a person's life.