Whats the deal here? I see a lot of companies ran by the same blokes?
You have the head monkey also claiming that each and every single company is a 100% separate and unaffiliated owner that don't know each other. Yet, buffalooed keeps finding all these connecting strings.
While people get sick of hearing about LE and the antics pulled, they keep proclaiming they're a 100% unbiased "hosting leader with an ever improving alexa rating". Now, to this date they still don't list that the site is owned & operated by CC on the homepage, just that it's 'hosted' by them. This also doesn't touch on the fact about how easy it is to buy alexa rankings. There are 'alexa booster' services all over the 'net, including even on WHT. LE had some very unusual traffic spikes on alexa that couldn't be explained either. When the site supposedly was sold they jumped a
huge amount but there was nothing different being done with the site to trigger such a spike.
You have the bone heads that the OP discussed getting listed
13 times in.. ~5 months? To this day vpsace has
still not disclosed that their entire billing database, including credit cards, is in the wild.