The Bitcoin 'HYIP Monitor' sites are hilarious.
'You have taken my coin, sir!' someone's ugly, rasping voice rapped out — 'Please be so good as to return it!' — the crowd of players and curious onlookers standing around the table was still circling about him, like people riding on a merry-go-round — and someone began to tug at his sleeve — a gentleman with a squashed, clean-shaven face and a dyed moustache who stared at him intently with bulging, colourless eyes, saying something in French, but with an unpleasant accent, either Polish or German — and the merry-go-round suddenly came to a halt, although all the people riding on it remained at a rakish angle through inertia — frozen as in a tableau vivant, but with their eyes fixed on him, and even the croupiers, seated at either side of the table, raised their impassive faces — and he suddenly realized that he was being addressed and that somehow or other he had managed to rake in a coin belonging to this unknown gentleman, but what significance did this hold compared to his flight up towards the peak which had revealed itself to him? — and he mumbled some excuse and said that it was absent-mindedness, as he continued on his way, through inertia, floating in the clouds, unaware of anything else that was going on.
Long story short ( because I'm about to cook dinner and stomach is growling), we'll soon be working on a 'case study', of sorts, about BitCoin in the web-hosting industry. There still seems to be a lot of confusion about BitCoins from the end-user, I have no interest in touching base on that as there are plenty of guides and topics covering what BitCoins are. My main area of focus for this will be concentrating on providers who accept BitCoin as a payment method to learn how it's been for you.
So, if you're a provider and accept BitCoin as a payment method, is this something you would like to partake in? The piece will hopefully be used as a reference point for the web-hosting industry as there doesn't seem to be very much (consolidated) information regarding accepting BTC. Threads I have seen when questions are asked are often a mix of skepticism from those who don't use it, positive comments from those who do, and honest concern from others. Will be nice to have an organized write-up with factual information provided directly from providers.
I'm still working out the details, but respond here if you wish to partake.