the WHIR linked us and honorably mentioned this thread

Thanks to the WHIR for getting the word out.
Some have speculated in industry forums that BurstNET is moving its business to avoid creditors, a notion that Ray said is “complete speculation” and would not comment on. However, he noted that BurstNET will address concerns in a web conference and press release next week.
Mr. Ray also claims the lawsuit for unpaid leases are targeted at wrong corporation. That the UK version of Burst was the proper creditor. Meh, possible, but quite odd that credit was issued here in the United States and not over there in the UK. Doubt regional credit / lease companies are extending money like that and letting gear freely go here and there and where Burst arbitrarily feels like it.
Both the WHIR and Ray ignore the fact that the lawsuit contains other equipment which likely went into the new datacenter.
And they both ignore the fact that Burst had corresponding timeline issues with another suit involving the landlord of the Dunmore datacenter property. That suit isn't about the UK, no ifs, ands or buts.
I have little tolerance for spinsters. Burst should tell the truth and be more forthcoming. The entire migration has been rushed, handled like amateurs and without regard for businesses / customers and their well being.
I smell more clarity on this matter coming and way before Burst has a web conference and woos folks with visuals and feel good crap.