
BuyVM Legal Defense Fund? LOL

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Company Lube
Verified Provider
@hellogoodbye, it wasn't with quotations. He went back and later added that ( changing his story ). Doesnt matter though, he deserves what he has coming to him.
True, sort of.

The original statement had me add an 'Uh huh' at the end, but I went back and added quotes because I felt the "uh huh" wasn't sarcastic enough.



Active Member
The only possible grounds would be:

  1. Copyright.  But Solus is ioncube'd and they'd have to prove code theft, which is virtually impossible in this case.
  2. Patents.  But I doubt Solus has any patents on a VPS control panel.
  3. Trademark.  But BuyVM is not calling it "Stallion" and the look/feel is quite different
  4. Trade dress/etc. - but Solus could never demonstrated that a potential customer would confuse the two.  BuyVM doesn't even sell Stallion.
  5. Trade Secret - which would require demonstrating that it was stolen.  I doubt one could even be postulated - it's a web-based application that makes calls to other vendors' APIs.
You can't sue just because someone else has the same idea as you or says "I can make the same thing, only better".
There's reverse engineering which is a sideline to standard copyright cases.  You actually don't need to directly copy code in order for those to proceed.  Access to code, either directly provided or indirectly via disassembly is sufficient.  Franciso's been on record numerous times about fixing Solus code* so it's possible for that to at least get started.  Standard defence is fair use, but that onus is on the defendant.

The current EU case law allows you to 'observe' how something works and duplicate it which is what you're thinking of in general.  That's fine.  Fun distinction isn't it?

* My memory isn't perfect.  It sounds like he was referring to just the publicly accessible plugin/theme stuff.  It sounded deeper at least to me at the time.
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New Member
@hellogoodbye, it wasn't with quotations. He went back and later added that ( changing his story ). Doesnt matter though, he deserves what he has coming to him.
He also had an "Uh huh" at the end, I would say that's plenty sarcastic in itself... unless he also added that in later?

I'm not really sure what you're trying to achieve exactly with this smear campaign but I do have to say, I don't think it's working out as well as you wanted. Will it give potential clients second thoughts about buying plans from any of you (BuyVM included)? Yes, for sure. Some would rather steer clear of any and all drama, but some will also take other factors into account, especially when it comes to things like performance, reliability, quality of support. In that regard, many will nevertheless go with BuyVM because they have a solid reputation around the industry for great service.

I think it would be wiser for you to channel all this energy spent on hating BuyVM into focusing on and enhancing your own services at CVPS if you truly want to show everyone who's the better man.
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New Member
For what it's worth:

The mudslinging and constant chatter between some of the providers in this and other forums is incredible.

Listen, if you want to talk with your industry buddies about x provider do it in private.
Bringing up this stuff in a public forum can't possibly be good for business.

This shit is getting old.

Carry on...


100% Tier-1 Gogent
@drmike can you please explain to me other than me hiding BuffaloVPS years ago to be double posted, and the whole HVH thing ( which was news to me ), what is it that you have against myself and/or ColoCrossing?

:) Well this is good and constructive ideally. 
1. hiding BuffaloVPS, yes.  So you are coming clean on that?  "Officially"  Like you / Jere started it, operated, etc. in entirety?

2. muckery with UGVPS... the late night calls to Crystal, the funky whodunit, the strange money to Tom... the PayPal info change, the wiring out of money on a Saturday evening...

3. KevDam HillstrandNG

screw it... you did a BuyVM laundry list over there... I am not going down that road to beat you in the head.  You damn well know what you've done and so does Jon. 

When you lads pulled the lowend screwjob you signed up for extra attention.  Overdue extra attention.  You guys couldn't stand participating in a market where the moderation and owner routinely brow beat you for bad behavior and playing unfair as a provider and you greedy little pigs saw the money on the table, so you jacked it.  Yeah you paid an intermediary for it and you'd know morally that was wrong if you folks had moral compasses that worked.  Chalk it up to business and being a cut throat throat or "I graduated from business school".

If you take a look at the service etc, ColoCrossing is actually your best choice over many others as far as uptime, network, and quality. Same goes with CVPS, the service we offer is actually much better than most of the hosts out there. You even said it yourself, and there is proof that our service is good, just go and look at the last LEB posting.
Best?!?!?!  Best really?  Again, trying to be reserved, but if you are so proud and so is CC (consult Jon) put your uptime from 3rd party monitoring out in public, all of it. Let others scrutinize what is monitored. Do I think your network is horrible?  Buffalo, yeah has been meh, not so good.  Better now that heavy on Level 3.   Prior round-robin-whatever-the-hell-you-call-that routing, not up to snuff.  Your other locations, you are using facility blend upstreams.  Uptime and quality would be a review of that and not CC per se.  

It's hard to say where CC ranks in the pecking order.  Being such a weird hybrid mid-tier at best company well, best is something that would have to be earned in different linear offer categories. 

I give credit where it's due.  I've noticed ChicagoVPS appears to be doing better.  I know you said prior you went adding nodes a while back, good.  CC, yeah, network in BUF better lately.  Yeah, you've been keeping a lower profile... if I ignore (cough) grumblings and investments.

Still doesn't change the business-as-usual practices in Buffalo.   Running a company for ~9 months and no disclosure of it (Hudson Valley).  No press either...  Forced out like a pimple.

Look most of the drama could and would go away if you just had a meeting up there in BUF and really thought about the above and ran things a little more business like.   I recommend: Releasing official disclosures/press in timely manner about acquisitions, be proud of your investments so others have trust and faith in using said companies, divest of lowend*.  


Active Member
Proving that they stole something from Solus will be hard, they will lose more money than what they will gain. Even when Stallion2 if i'm not mistaken is a completely new control panel.

Plus, you can see whatever you want and take whatever you want from a publicly visible code (html) in your browser, in this case i think would be the result of php, so is not even the real code, if we were to debate that.


Probably BuyVM is gaining more and more customers, after all if Faboozi hate it, it must be good LOL.


Also like somebody said, I would like to see CVPS demonstrating their superiority with their service. So much energy wasted here.


Kind of bummer that he pushed the screenshots to the forums, if there was a case you already ruined it. Clearly demonstrate that when a person is angry the brain stop working.


Again +1 to Francisco for maintining the responses professional. It for sure demonstrate the quality of the company.



Even with all the stuff that has come out today about BuyVM, I really don't think you should be apart of it. You getting your customers information compromised multiples times is a lot worse than slabbing (has anyone tested that script on your VPS's?) and even their "basement dc". That LET thread really shows your character and what kind of business you run. I had service with both you and BuyVM. I still have a few VPS's with BuyVM. Other than a few random reboots and the possibility/probability that my personal information is now in the hands of people that have even less character than you, my service was decent. Only after I read more threads on LET and saw all of your arrogant posts and stupid #winning bs did I decide I would not renew. I will most likely continue to hold on to a few of my BuyVM VPS's because they are cheap, fairly fast, and stable, and I know my personal information is in good hands. They also have IPv6.

EDIT: Formatting?
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New Member
Taken from LET:

CVPS_Chris said:
We have over 25,000 customers and very very little complaints.
Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that you have "25,000" customers, yet you couldn't even get 5 votes (25 points) to make the top 10 provider poll at LEB?  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Note: Yes, only x% are on LET, but that's still a real knee-slapper.


Premium Buffalo-based Hosting

Even with all the stuff that has come out today about BuyVM, I really don't think you should be apart of it. You getting your customers information compromised multiples times is a lot worse than slabbing (has anyone tested that script on your VPS's?)
plus Fran only slabs for stability on high-RAM machines, Chris doesn't need to slab because everything they have is an E3, but he does it anyways so he can fit like 300 customers on a node


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Taken from LET:

Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that you have "25,000" customers, yet you couldn't even get 5 votes (25 points) to make the top 10 provider poll at LEB?  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Note: Yes, only x% are on LET, but that's still a real knee-slapper.
I do not buy those numbers anyway, as the data from his DB leaks shows numbers much less than that and I do not believe his business has skyrocketed since the first, second, or third leak of customer data.

Chris is banned from WHT, people don't like him on LET/LEB anymore so sales must be down there. The rest of his sales are from where CC brands get listed and circlejerk upvoted but the comments in the threads now indicate that the unknowing consumers there have wised up and used Google to research their purchase. There is RedFlagDeals, too, but I doubt seriously that Fabozzi has seen a large increase in business unless he is doing some local advertising that isn't online.

He runs a company that has developed a reputation for being cheap, so he competes with himself with every offer and tries to match or beat his previous offers, hence these recent 3-year deals and annuals where you can get 2GB at the same as $2.5/mo. Much better than previous deals, but customers who seek such things are the same who stick around for a little while, don't renew when their annual is up and are the same who jump ship when a better deal is found elsewhere. I highly doubt he has anywhere near 25,000 clients, let alone active ones for CVPS.

Fabozzi is and will continue to be a habitual liar, over-exaggerator and all-in-all asshole. That's just his character and how he was raised. I don't think he can help it, so I don't particularly hold it against him. It's just comical to see him believe he has finally one upped someone when in fact, he has not. But I'll watch anyway. 


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Chris is banned from WHT, people don't like him on LET/LEB anymore so sales must be down there. The rest of his sales are from ....
or the obvious, his growth comes from "investments" in other companies.  


The ocean is digital
@drmike can you please explain to me other than me hiding BuffaloVPS years ago to be double posted, and the whole HVH thing ( which was news to me ), what is it that you have against myself and/or ColoCrossing?
Thanks for finally admitting that. You've been lying about this for quite some time and we all knew better. That's the thing, you lie and you defend your lies passionately for years. Everyone lies. Everyone. The question is do they lie to cheat and deceive others? For you, it's a resounding "yes." You might say it's just business but I think you know what people think of that kind of business.

You've always had the capacity to be a good person but you've always chosen the opposite. Lord knows I've made mistakes but the things I don't shout from a mountaintop are not things that I hide to cheat and deceive. I can't say that's true for you and I wish I could. Character is not always revealed by actions, but eventually actions can paint a clear image of character and you've painted a picture for years.

You wanna know how to change it? Simple. Start being truthful like you were in what I just quoted. How hard was that? How many cancelation requests just came in from it? It's not even just about other people. If you can't respect yourself enough to have integrity then why should anyone else?


100% Tier-1 Gogent
who gave the LET thread that dramatic title?
I think KevDam / whateverhisnewusername / the OP requested it along the way.

Funny thing is Kossen encouraged it with a Thank!  Meh...  

Remind me to request scandalous SEO title changes as we go on threads and kick the moderators here to give me thanks as we do.  There will be popcorn and elephants.  It might resemble a circus.


Active Member
I can't talk for anyone else but all the provider bashing going around has actually had an effect on my purchasing plans.  For not the very reason you may think but the opposite.  Any provider that's jumping in picking fights and mudslinging automatically notches themselves down in my books.  That went for you (yes, despite you protesting it not being related to Prometeus - you still are the person I deal with there), Aldryic and even Chris.  Ironically, the more each of you mud sling the worse it becomes for your own side.

At this moment, I'm leaning back to paying a helleva lot more on AWS or even take a known crap quantity like Digital Ocean just because its less drama.  Whether there is a real risk of your personal behaviours impacting your technical professionalism remains to be seen but there's obviously a strong lack of basic business filtering being shown.  Defending and correcting is fine, but dishing it back out for revenge or deterrence is not.

Mudslinging might work as a tactic in politics because there's no one else to vote for.  But given that its 2014, there's definitely a lot of alternatives in hosting so it might not be the wisest move.  Again, that's just me.  I might not even be part of your target demographic.  2c.

P.S. I don't have to like you to do business with you.  But I do have to be able to trust you.
 AWS is certainly trustworthy and will always be more trustworthy than a small family business, nobody can compete with billions, agreed (despite failing hard now and then, even to social engineering because they employ humans too). People choose small business over big ones for entirely different reasons, one of them being the "pleasure" of dealing with me or Aldryic :p

People which base their purchase decisions on personal hatred are, of course, better off elsewhere. Nobody can deny my right to an opinion, not the government, not my (indirect) employer, and certainly not some forum admins. If they dont like my opinion, fine, come with arguments, I am not absurd, but attempts to leave me jobless because of it will not be tolerated and ANY decent human being should resist such attempts out of principle if not because they will sooner or later be in the same situation.
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