
ColoCrossing and vpsBoard

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  • Create 'Industry Gossip' or 'Industry Watch' forum or sun-forum, hidden from the 'View New Content' feature so you have to physically drag your mouse over the link on the index to browse there. This would keep discussion free and not suppressed while providing an easier method of ignoring these threads as opposed to simply scrolling past them.
I vote for this, too. But not hidden, just a subforum. Only the interested ones will go there.


Active Member
Back when most people came over here from LET, I was pretty excited. I thought this would be a place to escape the negativity and bashing that had taken over LET... and at first it was.

But now? Now there's more drama and more negativity here than on LET.

So I think vpsBoard as an organization needs to decide what it stands for and what it wants to be known as: a serious alternative to LET and a legitimate site in its own right, or a place where people go to circlejerk about how much LET and/or ColoCrossing sucks?

Because, honestly, you just can't have it both ways.

Well... you can, but not if you want this site to become successful as more than a place for disgruntled LET refugees.
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Active Member
I'd leave it be from the admin side. Threads like those should exist, not for their content, but more for shedding light on individual posters/providers. I've come to use them as a way to separate more mature individuals from the rest.

As a community member, if you don't like them, just post asking them to tone it down like kujoe's OP. If they're too thick to take a hint, then it'll naturally escalate until a ban hammer falls. Unless of course they're professional trolling, in which case they'll dance on that edge of being annoying forever but short of any rule enforcement,

P.S. if it wasn't clear, I'm finding the constant CC mentions annoying.


New Member
Verified Provider
Just make a conspiracy circle jerk sub forum and sub group if people want to be in it they request access, the posts are hidden from main view, anyone from that group attempting to turn the other threads outside of that sub group/forum in to a CC pissing contest gets warned until banned.

Seems easy enough.

What is very apparent to me here is that plenty of people feel the same way and for everyone speaking up there are probably many others just silently nodding. the overwhelming consensus seems to be get rid of the anti CC/LEB crap from here and it will be a better place, 

CC Runs an completely legal and legitimate business as far as I can tell, none of the psychotic rants have ever been proof of anything illegal and it frankly it has fuck all to do with anyone how they choose to run their own business, if you don't like the idea of a business operating in ways you don't happen to agree with just don't use them.. simple.
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Active Member
I don't understand why you have to browse the threads when the subject itself warns you what it's about.

It's not illegal to search for information or dig around. If it is, report it somewhere. I don't see why you want to prohibit that action completely because you don't like it. Just ignore it. No need to make subforums with request policy or ban or censoring threads.

I for one enjoy reading about ColoCrossing's questionable ethnics and similar. Hell, it's a VPS forum, CC has a lot of VPS providers inside their datacenters, why on earth shouldn't you be able to talk about stuff they do?

Don't like something? Don't give any attention to it. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean nobody else likes it.

This is the image I get in my head when I read this topic:

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100% Tier-1 Gogent
There's this nice feature in IPB.

Up there on top right where your user name is, mouse over and find:

Manage Ignore Prefs

First thing I did, was check this:

"Ignore all signatures when reading topics and personal messages"

That gets rid of signature ad stuff that makes posts look and read horribly.  Maybe I'll think better of your posts if it isn't apparent every post that you are with that company....

Then, there is is this:

"Add a new user to my list"

With that you can block posts, signatures and private messages from any user.

Now I can live in my own self filtered limited view of vpsBoard.


New Member
Personally, I think that this thread highlights the underlying need for a clear and concise posting guideline/rules of the forum or other such document. 

For me, there are a couple of issues that were raised in this thread and I think that they can be cleared up pretty easily. 

I believe that the general "less moderated" approach that MannDude takes is appropriate, especially in deciding what content to allow. This should be codified somewhere on the site, with a clear delineation of what is and what is not appropriate. 

I think that topics that are controversial or disagreeable in some way should definitely be allowed. Trying to silence those topics starts to create an echo-chamber of only like-minded posts, which is not conducive to real discussion and a safe place to express opinion. Topics that draw discussion should be encouraged.

Posts should only be removed if they blatantly go against whatever rules MannDude establishes (illegal, pornographic, blatant trolling, ad-homs, whatever). Other than a few things that have come close to ad-homs here, I don't really see any issues in this thread. People disagree, so what? 

The other issues I believe are because too many threads were created for the same topic. This should also be addressed by creating a rule, and describing clearly what the moderation policy is as a result.

MannDude, you asked earlier in this thread for some advice on what to do. I'll answer in a way that's probably more specific than you asked for. I don't expect you to follow exactly what I advise, but this is what I would do if I was in your shoes.

You've got a bit of a mess on your hands. For the mean time, I would leave the threads a lone. Don't lock them, move them or merge them. 

Develop your posting guidelines/rules. Post them in a transparent and public way. Don't ask the community to create them for you, but do listen to feedback. Include a rule that would address the situation at hand, which is to me an issue of too many threads on the same topic. 

Approach Buffaloed and let him know that you will, as a result of the posting guidelines, be locking all the offending threads. Allow him an opportunity to create a limited number of threads that you believe appropriate. Let him organize and lead the discussion he wants instead of burying or merging the threads in a way that would kill the discussion.

Once the thread(s) are created, lock all the previous threads with a clear moderation message that points to the specific rules they broke and also link to the new appropriate discussion thread(s). 

I don't think that this community can currently sustain a forum that is dedicated to this type of topic. I think the forums the threads are in now are appropriate. 

This community is growing, and there will be some pains. You've got a mess on your hands and you've got to do something. Leaving it alone will result in more threads like this one, but burying the discussion will turn many people away. No matter what you do, some people won't be happy. Find a good balance, set clear rules and be transparent. By the way you handled the ad discussion, I trust that you'll do well here. 

The community needs some structure to grow properly. Put them in place before things become unweildly. Do it properly and you'll end up with a thriving, open and active community.

Edit: Cleared things up a bit. 
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Well-Known Member
Verified Provider
I don't understand why you have to browse the threads when the subject itself warns you what it's about.
And what about the threads that have nothing to do with CC and when you click on them you find out they are CC threads?

I started this thread in response to this type of activity. I was able to avoid the CC/LEB/LET threads easily enough, but when they get injected into completely unrelated threads it becomes impossible to avoid.
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The ocean is digital
I think it's time we start seeing other people. It's just that all we do now is fight. Everything I do annoys you, everything you do annoys me. Maybe we're still together because we remember the good times, but maybe we're too stubborn to see that those have been in the past for a while now.

I just think we need a break. It's not you, it's me.


What I think some people should be saying to the internet.
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
And what about the threads that have nothing to do with CC and when you click on them you find out they are CC threads?
You do realize topics routinely start as a subject in mind and later other companies often get injected.     I just did both in one post.  Would it have been less impactful to you if I mentioned the multitude of other LowEnd hive companies engaging in the same conduct instead of that company?  Do I need to give more love to the other misdoers?

Everything I do annoys you, everything you do annoys me. 
This is true for some folks.  Frankly I don't care if folks annoy or are annoyed.  I am not here for popularity contest or modern fake politeness.   People can characterize what I write as foil wrapped lunacy all they want. Folks would still be over THERE being dupes.   "No CC doesn't own those sites".  Now all you can say about the situation and revelations is that some people even when buried by reality will deny it.

What I think some people should be saying to the internet.
What we should be saying on/to the internet is whatever the bully pulpit dictates and down moderation points allow to still be visible.   That's the model.  We just don't have that on vpsBoard.  Maybe there is an IPB plugin for it?
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New Member
Well I wrote a thoughtful reply to this thread, but it seems to have disappeared.

TL;DR: vpsBoard has become the acknowleged CC-hate board.There is a clique that thrives on this, for the rest of us it's just rubbish.
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The ocean is digital
Well I wrote a thoughtful reply to this thread, but it seems to have disappeared.

TL;DR: vpsBoard has become the acknowleged CC-hate board.There is a clique that thrives on this, for the rest of us it's just rubbish.
"This just proves that you don't know what I like or what I like to do, which is to tell you what to do." -Meatwad


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Well I wrote a thoughtful reply to this thread, but it seems to have disappeared.

TL;DR: vpsBoard has become the acknowleged CC-hate board.There is a clique that thrives on this, for the rest of us it's just rubbish.
We've not removed anything from this thread. And the vpsBoard staff doesnt 'delete' anything anyway, we 'hide' stuff from public view when needed. (Though nothing has been 'hidden' either).

Just FYI.


New Member
We've not removed anything from this thread. And the vpsBoard staff doesnt 'delete' anything anyway, we 'hide' stuff from public view when needed. (Though nothing has been 'hidden' either).

Just FYI.
Don't be so defensive... I didn't say you deleted anything, I just said it "disappeared".

I typed, I clicked "Post", the page reloaded and my post was nowhere to be seen.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
I thought I was the one with the foil hat collection  :popcorn:

Paging the NSA, sleddog would like his post back.  Please retrieve from the archive and send it to his top secret email.
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Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
Don't be so defensive... I didn't say you deleted anything, I just said it "disappeared".

I typed, I clicked "Post", the page reloaded and my post was nowhere to be seen.
The same has happened to me a few times.  Typically in time when I'm noticing routing irregularities.
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