
Debian Founder, Ian Murdock, has passed away


Active Member
I hate to hear that. He worked hard to get Debian going on the right path. I've used it since the mid 90s it always been the one I fall back to.


Active Member
Odd, the Docker blog post is gone. Also wondered about the tweets yesterday, but initially wasn't sure if it was a hacked account. Sad news, all the best with his family and the Debian community moving forward.

Edit: copy of the Docker blog post
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
Something stinks about his death.   Stuff is being covered up.

He had weird tweets / was arrested by police.  Then a day later the guy is dead...  Someone scoured his stuff and deleted things.... something clearly isn't legit.

Guys tend not to drop randomly at 42 when they have good jobs and big net worth.


Premium Buffalo-based Hosting
Something stinks about his death.   Stuff is being covered up.

He had weird tweets / was arrested by police.  Then a day later the guy is dead...  Someone scoured his stuff and deleted things.... something clearly isn't legit.

Guys tend not to drop randomly at 42 when they have good jobs and big net worth.

people who are depressed or otherwise mentally unwell do

also DEB had left IAN a few years back, so its not like life was 100% perfect up until that night


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Is it alleged that he was mentally unwell?  He seemed to be functional and all and working for Docker.  But impossible to know...

Makes no sense for someone to have went and purged things.  Just saying, only raises the scrutiny and rightly.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
.. obviously suicide is always a consideration and reason for families to do odd things...  not saying that wasn't the cause. 

Ideally someone is investigating in official capacity.


Bad Goy
Did Mr. Murdock ever exhibit any 'issues' pertaining to his mental state prior to what has been reported so far (e.g his death by suicide)? It's naturally very difficult to judge. But if a person acts in a very rational manner, is professional and can produce what is expected of him, then all of a sudden this routine is turned upside down, well, then this is usually some sort of indication that there's something amiss.
The question is, therefore: is there any such irregularities in the writings / comments by Mr. Murdock, or do they keep a professional, rational and logical level on the whole? It'd be interesting to delve deeper into that.

As for my comment earlier about this being sad very sad; I think the saddest part of it all is him leaving the two daughters without their loving father. I cannot imagine how they must feel right now.

Best wishes to you all.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
This is his Twitter - what Archive was able to grab:


Ian Murdock@imurdock 2日2 天前


I am a white male, make a lot money, pay a lot of money in taxes, and yet their abuse is equally doned out. DO NOT CROSS THEM!

2 則轉推 3 個喜歡









This was right after the female officer ripped off my underwear.. I guess that's not considered rape if you're not a woman being raped.

15 則轉推 11 個喜歡









"We're the police, we can do whatever the fuck we want.."

13 則轉推 4 個喜歡









What does one have to get education wise to become a police officer.. asking for a friend.

3 則轉推 6 個喜歡









The rest of my life is to fight against the police.. they are NOT friends, so don't ever ever believe otherwise.

18 則轉推 12 個喜歡









The police are uneducated, evil, and sadistic. Do not trust them.

13 則轉推 12 個喜歡









(2/2) They are uneducated, bitter, and and only interested in power for its own sake. Contact me if you can help. -ian

19 則轉推 11 個喜歡









(1/2) The rest of my life will be devoted to fighting against police abuse.. I'm white, I made $1.4 million last year,

30 則轉推 15 個喜歡









i'm hoping coming from a successful white guy it will help everyone

0 則轉推 2 個喜歡









i'm going to post my case on my blog.. if anyone can post it on hacker news or wherever i would apprieciate it

8 則轉推 11 個喜歡









@jacksormwriter wants me dead

0 則轉推 1 個喜歡









Writing up my experience for others to hopefully prevent others from police abuse then you won't hear from me again

5 則轉推 7 個喜歡









where they put you in a cell with absolutely no instructions whatever aside from the spell on the floor in piss?

1 則轉推 3 個喜歡









shall i post pictures for all my bruises from my against the police officers?

2 則轉推 7 個喜歡










    WfvEB6rR_bigger.pngIan Murdock@imurdock 2日2 天前

    they said no

    1 則轉推 1 個喜歡









i asked if they had cameras

1 則轉推 1 個喜歡









then followed my home from there

1 則轉推 1 個喜歡









i had to have swtitches

1 則轉推 1 個喜歡









then they pulled me out of my house and did it again

7 則轉推 1 個喜歡









they followed me home

4 則轉推 1 個喜歡










Active Member
RIP Ian if it's true as others have said something is weird :s

Docker blog says Monday?
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
The guy had 4.5k Twitter followers.. alleged police abuse of violent nature... made $1.4 million last year...  plus whatever else in many years prior.

Sorry, but smells like hell. 

Anyone privy to info on why the police were interacting with Mr. Murdock?


The Irrational One
Retired Staff
Honestly no idea why the police were interacting with Mr. Murdock.  His tweets claim he'd be updating his blog, however no such update ever happened.  It is fairly fishy I will admit.

RIP Ian if it's true as others have said something is weird :s

Docker blog says Monday?

Correct.  All information suggests he passed on Monday evening. 


Premium Buffalo-based Hosting
TAnyone privy to info on why the police were interacting with Mr. Murdock?

He was out of his mind drunk pounding on his neighbor's door, and when the police came he drunkenly attacked one of them and got charged for it - that was his side of the story

and looking at his twitter, it all basically caused him to think his life was ruined and have a breakdown


Premium Buffalo-based Hosting
the cops took him to the hospital because he was so fucked up and was probably still threatening to kill himself at that point, a