Thank you to a helpful soul on WHT for passing along a very interesting email that states Santrex, the scum of the internet, is bankrupt and closing up shop:
and other BL's for all of the botnets, booters, & spammers they hosted. They ended up renumbering customers
instead of trying to cleanup the subnets.
It has been a long time coming. At one point they had an entire /19 or even an /18 listed with spamhausWe regret to inform you that due to internal network issues and recent downtime, we have moved your account directly to our partner in Lithuania to provide you with a replacement service, for you to be able to receive your new VPS details, you will have to email direcly quoting the email address you hold on our system to be able to start using your service again.
Once they receive your email they will confirm with us, and deliver your order, they'll also invoice you directly from now onwards, our partner is in no way responsible for your downtime, refunds or balances, they are only acting on our behalf to provide you with services as we no longer are in business to provide you with any services:
Netherlands and Ukraine services: Please backup your data as the servers will be shut down within 7 working days.
All other locations: Due to downtime and data losses you may just request your service from our partner free of charge.
***** Please note that Santrex is no longer going to provide any services of any kind, and since we're unable to do so, we're doing our best to provide you with services to minimize the losses on your end, we will not be able to refund any balances you may have had with us, and the deal with our partner will ONLY be 30 days free of charge from the date of delivery, if you have paid us any longer periods for your server we will try our best to fulfil after 30 days, there is no guarantee what so ever that we will be able to do so *****
***** Please do not reply back to this email, and deal directly with our partner *****
Santrex team
and other BL's for all of the botnets, booters, & spammers they hosted. They ended up renumbering customers
instead of trying to cleanup the subnets.