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Message bus systems are an easy way to distribute tasks.
RabbitMQ is a message broker and there are command line tools too to interact with queues.
If you need help to install a RabbitMQ service,
To install these tools call:
apt-get install amqp-tools
The two main methods are:
Second one is a call to put a message on a queue.
So we do have "workers" that consume a queue and "masters" that are publishing tasks.
A worker would look like:
amqp-consume -s -q "test" -e "amq.topic" --vhost "/" -r "worker1" --username=guest --password=guest -d ~/onmessage.sh
The parameters are:
Usage: amqp-consume [-dA?] [-s|--server=hostname
ort] [--vhost=vhost]
[--username=username] [--password=password]
[-q|--queue=queue] [-e|--exchange=exchange]
[-r|--routing-key=routing key] [-d|--declare] [-A|--no-ack]
[-?|--help] [--usage] [OPTIONS]... <command> <args>
So if a message is dropped in the queue "test" and has the routing key "worker1" the command "~/onmessage.sh" is called.
The onmessage script might look like this:
nano ~/onmessage.sh && chmod +x ~/onmessage.sh
With content:
read line
echo "Message: $line"
amqp-consume pipes the content of the message therefore we cannot work with parameters ($1,$2,...) but with read to save the stream into a variable called "line".
To publish a message to the "worker1" following command has to be called:
amqp-publish -e "amq.topic" -r "worker1" -b "this is a test message"
The parameters are:
Usage: amqp-publish [OPTIONS]...
-e, --exchange=exchange the exchange to publish to
-r, --routing-key=routing key the routing key to publish with
-p, --persistent use the persistent delivery mode
-C, --content-type=content type the content-type for the message
-E, --content-encoding=content encoding the content-encoding for the message
-b, --body=body specify the message body
Connection options
-s, --server=hostname
ort the AMQP server to connect to
--vhost=vhost the vhost to use when connecting
--username=username the username to login with
--password=password the password to login with
I use this pattern for a download service.
I send urls to workers that wget the target.
You can even put more than one worker on a queue - so the work load is distributed.
Or define a second queue were the workers publish results to implement asynchronous method calls.
I like the amqp-tools because they can be used with any tool or language.
RabbitMQ is a message broker and there are command line tools too to interact with queues.
If you need help to install a RabbitMQ service,
To install these tools call:
apt-get install amqp-tools
The two main methods are:
- amqp-consume
- amqp-publish
Second one is a call to put a message on a queue.
So we do have "workers" that consume a queue and "masters" that are publishing tasks.
A worker would look like:
amqp-consume -s -q "test" -e "amq.topic" --vhost "/" -r "worker1" --username=guest --password=guest -d ~/onmessage.sh
The parameters are:
Usage: amqp-consume [-dA?] [-s|--server=hostname
[--username=username] [--password=password]
[-q|--queue=queue] [-e|--exchange=exchange]
[-r|--routing-key=routing key] [-d|--declare] [-A|--no-ack]
[-?|--help] [--usage] [OPTIONS]... <command> <args>
So if a message is dropped in the queue "test" and has the routing key "worker1" the command "~/onmessage.sh" is called.
The onmessage script might look like this:
nano ~/onmessage.sh && chmod +x ~/onmessage.sh
With content:
read line
echo "Message: $line"
amqp-consume pipes the content of the message therefore we cannot work with parameters ($1,$2,...) but with read to save the stream into a variable called "line".
To publish a message to the "worker1" following command has to be called:
amqp-publish -e "amq.topic" -r "worker1" -b "this is a test message"
The parameters are:
Usage: amqp-publish [OPTIONS]...
-e, --exchange=exchange the exchange to publish to
-r, --routing-key=routing key the routing key to publish with
-p, --persistent use the persistent delivery mode
-C, --content-type=content type the content-type for the message
-E, --content-encoding=content encoding the content-encoding for the message
-b, --body=body specify the message body
Connection options
-s, --server=hostname
--vhost=vhost the vhost to use when connecting
--username=username the username to login with
--password=password the password to login with
I use this pattern for a download service.
I send urls to workers that wget the target.
You can even put more than one worker on a queue - so the work load is distributed.
Or define a second queue were the workers publish results to implement asynchronous method calls.
I like the amqp-tools because they can be used with any tool or language.