Your nitpicking would make a collegiate English professor yell.
Believe me, if anyone here took college level English they'd be mighty sad.
English might be a goofy language with all sorts of creeping slang and word abuse, but it doesn't make it alright crafting things like that in a "press" release. It's a free country, and everyone is free to make a fool of himself or his company.
At best, this style of writing is considered "ad copy" and it's part of the degeneration of English.
Now, when you are incorporated, an individual cannot represent the corporation in legal matters. It is part of the veil of protection under corporate conduct acting as an officer of the corporation. A corporation must hire outside legal counsel for all legal matters.
Same logic and veil should be applied to press or in this case faux press release. Hire a professional for protection and legal liability. Give me someone else to blame and mock instead of Mr. CEO

Kevin/Adam would do well in that role and likes to craft fiction, just look at his past deeds.
Affordable rates implies that there is more than one rate.
It's not a rate. Perhaps English isn't your thing or you like flexibility in misusing words.
Where in reality do you use the term rate? Hmm, electric utility rates? Water rates? Gas rates for natural gas? Services all regulated highly by government.
Catch a bus or train, it is a fare, even though there are multiple "rates" based on age, distance, etc.
Perhaps you are confusing rate with your experience on a HotorNot style photo clone. Nom nom....
Unless he offers a single package across the entire service, the term "rates" is correct.
Rates have no basis or need to be a single or multiple product thing. Rates again, are standardized and often regulated. What CVPS does is offers the very same package or plan or product, a VPS with one of several coupons or no coupon and sells that very same thing for different prices to different customers. That practice is well, umm shady. Nothing wrong with "specials" but if you are selling a product, the same product on the same day and charging people different amounts, I take issue with that and it might run afoul of pricing laws somewhere.
Sure he offers different VPS packages, but same coupon different price on same day song and dance routine. Exploit the stupid or unknowing. Yeah, that's a great way to run a real business.
people can't grow up or move past the previous issueds
Grow up? Kiddo, I have enough years on folks around here to probably be your grandparent.
Previous "issueds" --- issues.... They aren't previous. These issues are as current and valid as ever and quite a few of them are ongoing.
spew crap about a provider all you're doing is making yourself look petty and you're degrading the overall quality of the community you're posting within.
It isn't crap, it's refresher 101 for all the newbies like yourself and those who might otherwise be duped by a shady operation like CVPS and his cohorts. If someone had the testicular fortitude to open their mouth and do the foot work, places like CVPS would have been trimmed a long time ago.
If we want to increase the quality of this community, I'd recommend the following:
1. Ban CVPS_Chris (hey Lowendtalk has him banned
2. Ban all Chicago VPS ad shilling
3. Ban all offers out of Colocrossing.
Why? Because it is what is and those jabronis have lowendtalk / lowendbox to lie, cheat and steal on.
It is always good news when a provider expands their locations and their horizons.
Good news when a provider expands? Do press releases of "expansion" get your jimmy off or something?
It's a well-written press release too. Might consider getting a box in Dallas.
Well written my foot. Ask someone else who doesn't abuse English. No habla English?
It is all said in the last comment:
"Might consider getting a box in Dallas"
Dallas might be a good place to be homeless in. I recommend sizing up some appliance boxes so you fit. Weather isn't too bad. Might freeze in the winter though.