Was raised by The Simpsons, so that will always have a place in my heart.
Though, more recently (the past year or two) I've watched the IT Crowd, That Mitchell and Webb Look, Peep Show and The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret. The UK has a good sense of humor. Also the old Whose Line Is It Anyway, with Clive Anderson as the host was amazing.
Breaking Bad, it's awesome. I'm tempted to re-watch all of it, again.
Other than that, notable mentions would be: Seinfeld, The Office, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Scrubs (I used to hate it when it was all originally on the air but started watching it on Netflix and for some reason I love it now), etc.
I like watching a good comedy or something with an in-depth story with good characters (See: Breaking Bad). Anything to tune out stress for some good chuckles or to forget about the never ending list of shit that needs to be done for a couple hours at a time.