
GetKVM_Ash back with yet another VPS brand


Company Lube
Verified Provider
YDGH and BitAccel was started in a short time.

It's standard, meant to be anyway, except...
I don't think that was the same kind of deal, though. I think..Corey? Was just a worker that later broke away to do his own thing. For a while he had to cancel/refund anyone that was identified as a YDGH customer from signing up with him.



So, if this kind of business type, open a business, get popular, sell it later. Wait for another year, start another business, sell it again later, is accepted?

Well then, there would be another Dan Fry type, and this will born another successor of Dan Fry


The Irrational One
Retired Staff
I don't think that was the same kind of deal, though. I think..Corey? Was just a worker that later broke away to do his own thing. For a while he had to cancel/refund anyone that was identified as a YDGH customer from signing up with him.

Hate to bring up an old post but...  just a clarification.

Corey sold YDGH to Webline.  He then started BitAccel.  But to keep Webline Services happy he agreed to not accept any previous VPS clients from YDGH for a year or something.

Source: I'm a colocation dedicated server owner with YDGH that was later transferred to Webline Services then had his service moved from Texas to New York City (not complaining actually, I really am happy with it).  


100% Tier-1 Gogent

Ashley Hawkridge has shittanked another brand.

Virtual6 has ceased operations.

We regret to inform you that due to unforseen legal circumstances, Virtual6 have ceased trading completely as of Tuesday the 14th of January.

Any payments made today (14th January 2014) will be refunded within the next 24 hours. Our hardware is paid for up until the 11th of February, we will leave everything online until the datacenter takes our servers down, no further payments will be required from you. Unfortunately our support system and public facing website will be disabled throughout this time. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and wish you all the best moving forward.

Best Regards,


Company Lube
Verified Provider
Guess I didn't pay attention to all of Ash co's... Was he ever a CC customer?
I don't think so.

He spent a lot of time researching before he ever got back into the US market. He considered CC but never bit and was with someone in NJ.

Literally, it took him months before he had a pick in the US he wanted to go with.
