
Hostress, LLC has acquired GreenValueHost v2 Clients and domain.


100% Tier-1 Gogent

I spoke too soon.  Hostress acquired GVH dedi + VPS customers + Shared from other day.  The dedi and VPS acquisition is new as of minutes ago:

It is our pleasure to announce that Hostress has acquired TacVPS. We are pleased to have you as a client and looking forward to serving you with exceptional service.

We understand that there have been stability issues and support problems in the past. Hostress offers true 24/7/365 technical support. Pricing is not expected to increase for any service or customers.

Any recurring payments you have setup with PayPal have been canceled. If you would like to setup recurring payments again please do so on your next invoice. We accept PayPal and all major credit and debit cards.

Thank You,

Hostress, LLC
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New Member
Verified Provider
I just received that email too and I was never a 'TacVPS' client...

When is this stupid shit going to end?
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New Member
Verified Provider
Ho Stress

Host re: SS

EDIT: haha, I googled 'punable' and

In before Hostress neglects to remove people who were never clients from the database and sells it to someone else tomorrow, etc.
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New Member
Verified Provider
If this wasn't the bottom of the barrel and it was real businesses with real customers who gave a shit, one or all of these 'Companies' would likely be sued for breaching customer privacy (if I was a lawyer probably a longer list of things to add to that, but we will just use this for now).
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
I just received that email too and I was never a 'TacVPS' client...

When is this stupid shit going to end?
You were a GVH dedi or VPS customer.  That customer base  was given to Xfuse / TacVPS months back...   Today that customer base went to Hostress make sense?


New Member
So, TacVPS went out of business. Then XFuse purchased 'the brand' and 'relaunched' it as a subsidiary.

Then XFuse acquired GVH v1(?), and put it under the TacVPS brand.

Then Hostress acquired GVH v2.

Then Hostress acquired the TacVPS brand, presumably including the GVH v1 customers(?), from XFuse.

What the hell is going on? This smells worse than a fish market.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
So, TacVPS went out of business. Then XFuse purchased 'the brand' and 'relaunched' it as a subsidiary.

Then XFuse acquired GVH v1(?), and put it under the TacVPS brand.

Then Hostress acquired GVH v2.

Then Hostress acquired the TacVPS brand, presumably including the GVH v1 customers(?), from XFuse.
@joepie91 pays attentions and excels at comprehension.   Spot on what happened and is my understanding of the order.  Obviously longer timeline.

What is going on is the GVH assets are withering on the summer vine.   The stress chewed Duke up and the cash isn't working.   So he got out.

@tdale came along after watching this for months and said screw it, I can do it.   So @tdale inherited / bought the whole noodle bowl and I think assumed the lingering debt from GVH.

I think @tdale even has contracts in place and is surely incorporated (looked up his stuff a while back and all legit in State of New York).


New Member
Verified Provider
You were a GVH dedi or VPS customer.  That customer base  was given to Xfuse / TacVPS months back...   Today that customer base went to Hostress make sense?
No, it doesn't make any sense. I gave GVH a chance a couple times in the past without really knowing anything about them. Blah blah benefit of the doubt. Had I known what I know now, I would not have subscribed in the first place. Having cancelled my account a long time ago, way before the first stupid 'acquisition by Xfuse / TacVPS' or whatever, why am I still receiving emails each time the database gets passed along to the next host as if I had been an active client in the previous one?

I know a lot of you are hopelessly obsessed with GVH (and/or have certain vested interests in the popcorn industry) and feel some kind of bizarre need to keep the flame alive, but...


Dormant VPSB Pathogen
The gift that keeps on giving.
Everybody at the 3 companies involved should go and get a f***ing job because everyone involved has demonstrated repeatedly that a. they're not cut out to be business owners and b. their lack of knowledge about the right way to run a business means the odds of them ever making enough money from their "companies" to support themselves and their families is less than the chance of the taxman believing my claim that I'm trans-species and I shouldn't have to pay taxes since I've always self-identified as a Rottweiler .

TL;DR +1 to Lance J. for seeing the light and deciding to devote his time to activities (working at FedEx Office and going to college) that do not involved running a business.  We need HostNun to lead us in a prayer to pray that the others involved see the light and go get real jobs.

edit, from LET:

tdale says "TacVPS has all of the GVH clients and I have purchased TacVPS. If you wish to have your information removed that is fine. However, if you are looking for dedicated servers. I would advise against asking to be removed. I have a TON of stock Atoms, E3s, and others that I'm going to blast really cheap. It would be worth your time to wait.."
Reminds me of fabozo, buy a broken piece of crap low end provider for the customer mailing list  and then SPAM the hell out of everyone on the list with "Buffalo" dedicated server offers...Chris, is that you?
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New Member
Verified Provider
This is why using unique email addresses for each provider you sign up is critical. Even if you just use gmail's simple + tag. eg

Then you can see who is shifting your data around and take the necessary action if need be.


Active Member
Looks like cancelling account at that company and/or asking email to be unsubscribed doesn't unsubscribe said email from their list, despite assurances otherwise. No surprise really, given the history of contradictions and broken promises.

tdale said:
If you still wish to be removed open a ticket inside tacvps with the subject ATTN tdale remove me and inside of the body tell me your let username. I will not remove anyone that cannot access the account you must be logged in to make the ticket.
What I don't quite understand is why people have to open a ticket as well as supply their LET username (why is this information required?) for something so trivial as unsubscribing from a mailing list. A simple unsubscribe message via email should do, along with a bit of automation to match a list of emails with accounts to disable the latter on request. Hoping it's just a matter of rough execution and not intentionally a hassle to discourage people from unsubscribing.
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vpsBoard Premium Member
So, TacVPS went out of business. Then XFuse purchased 'the brand' and 'relaunched' it as a subsidiary.

Then XFuse acquired GVH v1(?), and put it under the TacVPS brand.

Then Hostress acquired GVH v2.

Then Hostress acquired the TacVPS brand, presumably including the GVH v1 customers(?), from XFuse.
The funny thing is that all these business "transactions" amount to about $50 in actual revenue.  The way these people write press releases, you'd think the NY Stock Exchange was going to temporarily halt trading on the news or something.


Active Member
Hoping it's just a matter of rough execution and not intentionally a hassle to discourage people from unsubscribing.
As far as I am concerned, it's definitely an intentional hassle and not CAN-SPAM compliant. See this comment: 

In other words, it's likely illegal.

There’s no difference in the eyes of the law in the US between a cold email and your newsletter. You still must have your mailing address and a way to unsubscribe.
Illegal email marketing tactics from the "good guy" who steps in at the last minute. Now where is Crystal?
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
No, it doesn't make any sense. I gave GVH a chance a couple times in the past without really knowing anything about them. Blah blah benefit of the doubt. Had I known what I know now, I would not have subscribed in the first place. Having cancelled my account a long time ago, way before the first stupid 'acquisition by Xfuse / TacVPS' or whatever, why am I still receiving emails each time the database gets passed along to the next host as if I had been an active client in the previous one?

I know a lot of you are hopelessly obsessed with GVH (and/or have certain vested interests in the popcorn industry) and feel some kind of bizarre need to keep the flame alive, but...
Oh you gave GVH a couple of purchase tries :)  I know not ribbing you.  Lots of people did.

You are getting contacted because with the "assets" goes the database of customers.  Like most shops, they haven't purged non-active customer details, apparently.  So GVH purchase is why being contacted.  Other folks who now randomly are contacted and haven't been prior, I am entirely unsure why they are experiencing such.  Blocked email / spam perhaps previously.

My favorite part of this entire series is waiting to see who drmike backs next.
Bahaha.  I back who I always did.  THE CUSTOMERS. I care not who gets the Panda Wok.  So long as no one robs anyone and things are generally correct for customers.  Nevermind the finer aspects we say should have or could have.   Talking about a trainwreck in the hot sun with this pile of business.

The funny thing is that all these business "transactions" amount to about $50 in actual revenue.  The way these people write press releases, you'd think the NY Stock Exchange was going to temporarily halt trading on the news or something.
I don't know the current GVH income numbers but revenue is a A LOT more than $50.   There are probably $5k in dedis by my guesstimate active.  Not to mention thousands of VPS containers, shared customers, etc.  (I only say this cause would be unfair to let it slide and broad brush paint Duke and @tdale as entirely crazy for trying.

That send out by Tdale wasn't Press Release, it was the email that went out to customers.  So it's necessary and legitimate :)  But the sentiments about press for fun, I fully agree with, especially prior.
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