100% Tier-1 Gogent
Face it, there aren't many small or low end providers outlaying cash like that for dedicated bandwidth. Especially where they are into a facility 1-3 servers. It's very rare.If you were paying under $500.00/month for your server+commit, then let me tell you, it wasn't a dedicated commit.
The problem with what gets sold vs. what it actually is (bandwidth), is well, legendary distortion with some providers. Incero, not so much though. Something was wrong in the software stack, a config of some sort of NIC issues.
I'm stumped by the network performance for a same-location transfer, especially if compression and scp were eliminated from the puzzle.
I've been a fan of the network at Corexchange. Incero uses Corexchange's blend plus adds to it their own Cogent (Corexchange has Cogent in their blend already) and nLayer. nLayer is kind of hit or miss for me elsewhere and blah. The Corexchange blend is heavy on Level3, Abovenet and NTT. I'd take that network over most networks in the US. Incero's usage seems to be 46% Cogent, 38% Corexchange and 15% nLayer, so very different that Corexchange house blend.