H Blergh,So, apparently they've harvested all emails entered/used with their live-chat system and used those to send unsolicited bulkmail about "new" offers from them, like the one below.
====== Please reply above this line ======
Hello, we chatted on the webchat on Incero a while back.
http://WWW.WABLE.COM is a new cloud server service that we launched, maybe that will fit your needs? Highly redundant cloud based servers spin up in just 13 seconds, and benefit from
SSD RAID storage. You purchase a resource bundle and then allocate those resources to one or many virtual servers, and can resize them at any time. Here is a screenshot of the control panel and the operating systems available: http://d.pr/i/xxxxx
Ticket ID: #4284XXX
Subject: Live chat with charlie@xxxx.com
Status: Answered
Ticket URL: https://portal2.incero.com/viewticket.php?tid=428416&c=xxxxxxx
As most of us have already been made aware of, Gordon isn't always the brightest and might not fully comprehend basic human interaction, as such i expect a lengthy rude reply telling me how it's my fault you sent me spam. Because in the end of the day, you are always right, kinda*
* lolol.
If you have a problem you can always reply to us, call us, or IM us. We're happy to help.
That said:
- 9/27/2011 - you asked for a free trial, we deployed a dedicated server for you completely free of charge for a week:
- 10/21/2013 - you come on live chat asking about our services, we discuss options, you state that the item is too expensive, you enter your email
We didn't randomly pick your email out of thin air, you initiated contact with us, we have provided you with free dedicated server services, and we have answered further questions since then from you about our products. I don't think that emailing you back about a new offering is worthy of calling us SPAMMERS.
I am sorry you feel that way though, and I have put a block on your domains so that you won't be emailed, and that you wont receive services from us in future.
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