100% Tier-1 Gogent
Dear English Speaker,
after some months of preparation and testing we are pleased to introduce you iwStack (http://iwstack.com/), our new Cloud IaaS platform.
The service is based upon Apache CloudStack and use the KVM virtualization technology.
It allow easy virtual machine deployment, network as a service (multiple private isolated vlans, firewall, vpn, load balancing),
upload and download of disk images (using the QCOW2 format), build your own template, take manual and scheduled backups and much more...
You can look at some howto here: http://www.iwstack.com/tutorials/
The service use iwStack credits (iwCredits or IC, 1 IC = 1 Eur) as virtual currency to charge for services.
The first required iwCredits purchase to start working with iwStack service is 15 (only for existing Prometeus clients) or 30.
iwCredits don't expire, you can buy now and use the credit when you like. More info here: http://www.iwstack.com/billing/
As introductory promotion you can use the coupon IWSTACKINTRO to get a 30% discount until September 8th:
15 iwCredits link:
30 iwCredits link:
Thank you for your business
Best regards
Prometeus team
after some months of preparation and testing we are pleased to introduce you iwStack (http://iwstack.com/), our new Cloud IaaS platform.
The service is based upon Apache CloudStack and use the KVM virtualization technology.
It allow easy virtual machine deployment, network as a service (multiple private isolated vlans, firewall, vpn, load balancing),
upload and download of disk images (using the QCOW2 format), build your own template, take manual and scheduled backups and much more...
You can look at some howto here: http://www.iwstack.com/tutorials/
The service use iwStack credits (iwCredits or IC, 1 IC = 1 Eur) as virtual currency to charge for services.
The first required iwCredits purchase to start working with iwStack service is 15 (only for existing Prometeus clients) or 30.
iwCredits don't expire, you can buy now and use the credit when you like. More info here: http://www.iwstack.com/billing/
As introductory promotion you can use the coupon IWSTACKINTRO to get a 30% discount until September 8th:
15 iwCredits link:
30 iwCredits link:
Thank you for your business
Best regards
Prometeus team