
Looking for a free tiny VPS for private usage

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New Member
Hello Respected VPSBoard Community,

My name is Harold and I'm studying in Germany. I'm looking for someone who could give me a tiny VPS for free. I would be using it for a private SSH Tunnel to unlock services and sites in my country that are locked (like Grooveshark or Pandora Radio, latter if US VPS). Stupid GEMA has blocked so many things on Youtube and a lot of sites aren't available here aswell, again due to copyright or other reasons. Mostly due to copyright. Another things is the shared IP-address we have in the college and their filter which I could bypass with the VPS SSH Tunnel. I also could use it as a experimental/testing server because I have seen a script that has a whole server setup and works under 32 MB RAM (Nginx, PHP & MySQL).

I'm looking for this if possible:

Memory: 32 MB

Disk Space: 640 MB

Virtualization: OpenVZ

Bandwidth: 15 GB 

Network Speed: 10 Mbps

IP-Addresses: 1 IPv4

Operating System: Debian 6 Minimal

Location: EU or US East Cost

Thank you in advance guys. I promise you that nothing bad will be done with it. If there should be something wrong like I've used too much resources or I have caused a high load or other things you can suspend the VPS instantly. I'll be fine. This wouldn't happen I promise. A SSH Tunnel barely uses CPU and RAM and the server system with Nginx, PHP & MySQL would be using a bit of RAM and almost no CPU because I'd only use it with phpMyAdmin for our database lessons.

Please e-mail me: if you want to help me.
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Where is the beer!
  Check out Humm if you can afford 1 usd dollar ipxcore has a 96meg plan. I haven't had no problems with them at all. Really I don't think anyone is just going to give you a free vps.
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New Member
Unfortunately I won't have much time to invest into I've registered here a few days ago but barely had time to visit. Right now having some days free (weekend) and using them to check out all the stuff like VPSBoard or LowEndTalk.

I think that IPXCore dropped these 96 MB plans or they are out of stock. I've read that somewhere on LowEndTalk in the past. Not quite sure, I could be wrong. The location is New York, right? Data center is ColoCrossing? If it's ColoCrossing I wouldn't touch it even with 10.000 of gloves. 

Thanks for you reply though :).
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New Member
That is much more RAM and Disk space then I would ever need. I'll read some reviews about this company. First time I hear about it.

Thanks for posting though +1.
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New Member
Thanks again earl.

This looks good with 3 Mbps and max 50 GB bandwidth but PTPP is blocked :(.

They left SSH open because we have local servers running to test around and for exams and so on. And they have own servers running on Linux like for the main homepage and so on.

So the best would be SSH or OpenVPN but I've not tried OpenVPN so far. Need to do that and see if it works.
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100% Tier-1 Gogent

Yes, that is it.

As far as tiny VPS on the low cost side, SecureDragon is the best bet:

O32 Great for VPNs, IRC, DNS, monitoring, or a few websites!

  • 32MB RAM + vSwap
  • 2GB RAID10 Disk Space
  • 500GB Bandwidth @ 100Mbps
  • 1 IPv4 + 4 IPv6
  • Denver/Tampa
  • $10.99/Year


  • 64MB RAM + vSwap
  • 3GB RAID10 Disk Space
  • 500GB Bandwidth @ 100Mbps
  • 1 IPv4 + 4 IPv6
  • Denver/Tampa
  • $12.99/Year

That is from here:


New Member

These deals look great but I'm still trying to get it for free if possible.


HotSpotShiel doesn't work here, already tried. has no free packages :(.

Also what happened to Budgetnode one year ago?


Active Member
There use to be but can't recall the process of getting one.. either way it was a pretty bad VPS, not sure if it's worth the effort..

Ok, good luck, like @buffalooed mentioned have not seen too many people score a free VPS around here or LET so probably better to look for a cheap VPS.



Content Contributer
As far as tiny VPS on the low cost side, SecureDragon is the best bet:

O32 Great for VPNs, IRC, DNS, monitoring, or a few websites!

  • 32MB RAM + vSwap
  • 2GB RAID10 Disk Space
  • 500GB Bandwidth @ 100Mbps
  • 1 IPv4 + 4 IPv6
  • Denver/Tampa
  • $10.99/Year
Second that. It is the best deal for VPN related vps. That's 8


Where is the beer!
I'm personally tired of seeing these I want a free vps thread. We all work hard to pay for our own things. If your younger hey ask your parents for an allowance. Don't get me wrong free is better but sometimes you have to work for what you want.


Content Contributer
I'm personally tired of seeing these I want a free vps thread. We all work hard to pay for our own things.
I totally agree. If he goes to cinema he will spend more money than a yearly vps costs. I don't like this attitude that everything related to the internet does have to be free. They don't want to pay for it but they want to have it / use it.
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