
Nginx redirect http to https


New Member
you can also have two servers defined in vhost cfg:

server {
listen 80;
return 301$request_uri;

server {
listen 80;


New Member
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Active Member
I'm perplexed as to why the best answer is your own blog post. And don't say the posts above yours didn't work as the extra 'scheme' check you out in the post does nothing. Is this a new form of rep back linking?


I'm perplexed as to why the best answer is your own blog post. And don't say the posts above yours didn't work as the extra 'scheme' check you out in the post does nothing. Is this a new form of rep back linking?
Because that works , I was searching for the answer , I got that , posted that in my blog and i shared it here. Just it. I don't need linkbacks . If any admin/moderator has some question about my act too then i will just remove it.

But actually i thought it will be helpful for the new searches .


Active Member
So just for reference to anyone else searching... your own-post has several issues (pointed out by everyone else on this board):

1)  Uses "if" in a nginx config where it really doesn't even need it.  Your $scheme will always be 'http' give its location in the :80 server config.

2)  Your use of a heafty regex capture goes against almost all known examples. 

5n1p's answer of

return 301$request_uri;
is the canonical answer form as it avoids regex altogether and uses the builtin request string.  Raymii's answer is still usable and better than yours - and Sunshine went so far as to educate you why ifs are bad.

You're more than within your rights to select yourself as the 'best answer', but there's something odd about it no matter your reasoning, especially when its so far off the mark.


So just for reference to anyone else searching... your own-post has several issues (pointed out by everyone else on this board):

1)  Uses "if" in a nginx config where it really doesn't even need it.  Your $scheme will always be 'http' give its location in the :80 server config.

2)  Your use of a heafty regex capture goes against almost all known examples. 

5n1p's answer of

is the canonical answer form as it avoids regex altogether and uses the builtin request string.  Raymii's answer is still usable and better than yours - and Sunshine went so far as to educate you why ifs are bad.

You're more than within your rights to select yourself as the 'best answer', but there's something odd about it no matter your reasoning, especially when its so far off the mark.
I marked which worked for me . Thats all.


Active Member
Rewrite or redirect better? For now i'm using redirect.
Both 'return 301' and 'rewrite .... permanent' in the above examples will barf out the same 301 redirect http code.  The only difference between the two is that the 'return' examples don't need the extra regex.

note: if you use rewrite without either permanent (301) or redirect (302) flags, then it behaves as a server-side rewrite.  Same words, totally different meaning.

Marc M.

Phoenix VPS
Verified Provider
Here is how to do this the right way:

server {
return 301$request_uri;

... and then of course you can create another server {} block within the same config file for the https version:

server {
        listen ssl spdy;
        [SSL Certtificate Code]