100% Tier-1 Gogent
Souce: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/26/technology/a-peephole-for-the-nsa.html
N.S.A. May Have Hit Internet Companies at a Weak Spot
The spooks are in the fiber. Ghosts in the line.
N.S.A. May Have Hit Internet Companies at a Weak Spot
While none of this new (the taps / port mirroring) to those of you who have worked within ISPs/datacenters, the nature of the taps further upstream sort of it.Mr. Levison said it was unclear how that tap was installed, whether through Level 3, which sold bandwidth to Lavabit, or at the Dallas facility where his servers and networking equipment are stored. When Mr. Levison asked the facility’s manager about the tap, he was told the manager could not speak with him. A spokesman for TierPoint, which owns the Dallas facility, did not return a call seeking a comment.
The spooks are in the fiber. Ghosts in the line.