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Yesterday I was given an idea on IRC (I won't say who it is, in case they do want me to) of a open alternative to low end box. Something that is based on transparency and something that is actually good
. There are a lot of review sites for VPS' around, but many of them are in a blog format. Lowendbox itself is based on (what I believe is) a wordpress blog. This is clearly not optimised towards listing plans and crunching data for it's users.
I have started development on a system, which is all open source (link at the bottom to the Github repo) that modularises the way offers are listed. It follows the same method of a linear time-based list, similar to a blog, but each offer is based on a provider. This allows you to easily filter each providers offers. Each offer also contains plans. Plans are the individual packages that the providers provide (they show the RAM, bandwidth, virtualisation type, etc) and contain all the billing information as well as coupon codes (if applicable) and so on.
Offers can also be discussed, similar to a blog format, where logged in users are able to comment on an offer. I am also currently working on a selector function, where users can look for a range of plans by filtering data of all active specials.
In the future, there will a provider access, where providers can manage their own offers (obviously moderated before being publicly available) and request new offers to be added to the release queue.
Right now I am in need of resources, and this is where I am asking the community for help. I need to get both a build server up and running, and a beta testing server where users can thrash and look for bugs. If any providers would be able to donate space, it would be greatly appreciated.
The whole system is intentionally loosely coupled to bootstrap 3 and will most likely move away from it in the near future.
Below are some screenshots:

I have started development on a system, which is all open source (link at the bottom to the Github repo) that modularises the way offers are listed. It follows the same method of a linear time-based list, similar to a blog, but each offer is based on a provider. This allows you to easily filter each providers offers. Each offer also contains plans. Plans are the individual packages that the providers provide (they show the RAM, bandwidth, virtualisation type, etc) and contain all the billing information as well as coupon codes (if applicable) and so on.
Offers can also be discussed, similar to a blog format, where logged in users are able to comment on an offer. I am also currently working on a selector function, where users can look for a range of plans by filtering data of all active specials.
In the future, there will a provider access, where providers can manage their own offers (obviously moderated before being publicly available) and request new offers to be added to the release queue.
Right now I am in need of resources, and this is where I am asking the community for help. I need to get both a build server up and running, and a beta testing server where users can thrash and look for bugs. If any providers would be able to donate space, it would be greatly appreciated.
The whole system is intentionally loosely coupled to bootstrap 3 and will most likely move away from it in the near future.
Below are some screenshots: