Exactly.Would it not make more sense to simply review the providers you've used?
Buying a VPS just to write a view is pointless as you wont be using it correctly in order to write a proper, unbiased, balanced review.
hmm... I've never read crash test ratings for any car I've bought... I've also only ever test driven 1 car out of all the cars I've bought.I mean, who doesn't test drive a car before they buy it? Who doesn't look at crash test ratings?
A VPS bought just for reviewing isn't entirely pointless.
Heh, on the other hand no news is good news - they're not complaining at leastWe'd like reviews... Our customer base seem to just use their servers and don't talk much... lol...
Buy one of ours, test it out like you need to.
To me, a review of like 1 month would generally be fine. I'd like to see some from 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and a year...
While I agree, it would limit reviews to nearly ZERO.In my opinion, it should take at least a year of constant monitoring, and with running production sites. Or at very least, dev sites. (Sometimes dev sites are more stressful than active sites. No caching, etc.)