
Quarterly vpsBoard newsletter/update


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Some of you who are opted-in for email updates received this earlier or are about to receive it via email. I had a hiccup with the first batch of newsletters due to a formatting issue and I didn't notice until over half the mail queue was processed. I fixed my tired-eyed mid morning error and resent. Apologies if you got two emails. The good news is, I never really send these things so don't expect any more until another 3, 4 or 5 months.

For reference, I've included a copy of the email below for those who have not opted in to email updates. It's essentially just an announcement of our current contest and the article bounty program which will soon be fired up.

Hi there {member_name},


For starters, you're receiving this email because you're a vpsBoard member who has opted in (or has not opted out of) the occasional email contact from vpsBoard. We usually send out a point of contact once every 3 or 4 months, so if you don't mind the rare and occasional message, please stay subscribed to be notified of things we deem noteworthy. Otherwise, no worries. We certainly don't wish to bother you. If you wish to unsubscribe this can be done with ease from your Notification Settings within your vpsBoard member settings options. 


We're happy to announce that we are now doing quarterly contests, and have a  where you can win $250. It's pretty simple. All you have to do to enter is submit a review for a service that you have had for 3 or more months. Your review will allow other members and guests to learn about your experience with your provider. Whether it was a great experience or a bad one, we're looking forward to your submissions. At the end of the submission period, we will choose a winner at random and will pay out $250 to the lucky person via PayPal or Amazon Giftcard. You can read the complete details and enter your new submissions here:


Earlier this year we had a great contest where many members submitted tutorials, how-to's and excellent guides. It was great to see the community in action and showing off their abilities as skilled writers and server administrators. This time around, we wanted to do a contest that anyone can enter as skill levels throughout the commuty vary. Not everyone has the ability yet to create awesome tools to help you manage your servers or write easy to follow technical how-tos as the of our however anyone can enter this new contest by simply entering a review. Better hurry though, the contest ends August 1st!


Oh yeah, did I mention we're launching an article bounty program? Well, guess what? We are! This is a great way for some of you to earn some additional money by writing great articles and tutorials. The way this will work is simple. We'll publish a list of articles that we'd like to be written about, and attach a cash bounty for each item. Those qualified to write about that particular subject can then claim the article, and upon review and submission of their completed article they will be paid for their efforts. For more details and to express your interest in participating, please see This is an excellent way to show your support for vpsBoard by helping us grow and earn some money at the same time!


Anyhow, this is just an email to update you and let you know what's going on at vpsBoard. If you've not stopped by in a while, come say hello and see what is going on, enter a contest or just lurk some of our great content.


All the best,


Well, until next time...
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Article Submitter
Verified Provider
Shame...the first email wasn't finished and the second one doesn't have a link to " For more details and to express your interest in participating, please see this thread here"


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Regardless of how many you received, I think we can all agree on that I need to find a better platform than IPB for sending these...