Could you please make a tutorial on this? Thanks.
I may first add some words and - if needed - add a tutorial later.
This is a common problem of USB modems that use Zero-CD to make the installation of drivers simple for windows users.
The device itself does add a second usb device (virtual cd) which is "flipped" if the driver is allready installed.
My modem is detected as umass0 (or ugen0 for older models).
FreeBSD 10 does have most drivers on board so add them:
nano /boot/loader.conf
Then use "kldstat" to reload all modules - or simply restart the pc.
Then you are able to list all usb devices (the ones BSD knows):
usbdevs -v
port 1 addr 3: full speed, power 100 mA, config 1, USB MMC Storage(0x1000),
Qualcomm, Incorporated(0x05c6), rev 0.00
We need two ids: vendor =
0x05c6 and product =
Now we have to check for some additional information for the SCSI device:
camcontrol devlist
<ZCOPTION HSDPA Modem 3.00> at scbus8 target 0 lun 0 (pass0,cd0)
No we have to create a config file to pass this device (like the windows driver does):
nano /etc/devd/usbmodem.conf
attach 100 {
match "device-name" "umass[0-9]+";
match "vendor" "0x05c6";
match "product" "0x1000";
match "devclass" "0x00";
action "sleep 3; /sbin/camcontrol cmd `/sbin/camcontrol devlist | /usr/bin/grep Option | /usr/bin/awk '{match($10, /pass[0-9]+/); print substr($10, RSTART, RLENGTH) }'` -c '01 00 00 00 00 00' -i 1 i1 > /dev/null";
The action part is the one that needs some cutting.
The command should be:
camcontrol cmd cd0 -c "01 00 00 00 00 00" -i 1 i1
Now we have to restart the dev daemon:
/etc/rc.d/devd restart
Stopping devd.
Starting devd.
Afterwards the real usb device (modem) pops up.
Simple solution:
- Google for "disable zero-cd [modeln ame] at command"
- Use windows to disable the zero-cd
- Use the modem without any hassle