Excellent tutorial. In the last two weeks I struggled myself to understand how the emails are sent (MTA - MDA - MUA) and still finding more and more stuff. This is the main reason I came on this page and subscribed to your Forum.
MTA: Postfix, Exim 4, Courier New Mail, Sendmail. Most of you are using Postfix
MDA: Procmail, Sieve, Maildrop. I am forced to used Procmail because Virtualmin/Webmin like it. But using Dovecot a dovecot-sieve can be used. There a migration script from procmail to sieve.
As I understood right MTA deals with SpamAssasssin than passes the email to MDA for dropping them in the right folders. After that Dovecot is dealing with Email Agent (MUA) for getting the email into the user computer. I really appreciate if some of you will describe the full process of sending/receiving email. Thank you.
For VPS Enthusiast I appreciate if you provide a solution for filtering viruses. My test VPS will deal with Windows systems and I have to do this. Can you help me to understand Amavisd-new idea? They pretend ClamAV and SpamAssassin could be queried by Amavisd without having them loaded? Virtualmin is dealing with ClamAV and SpamAssasing and I guess it is being done by Postfix, then passed to Procmail then into boxes.
Thank you for your time in providing a potential solution for viruses.