Our location is in Los Angeles, and we get great peering to Asia, and are fully IPv6 native.
We are a registered LLC in the state of Delaware.
We offer KVM and OpenVZ plans at competitive rates.
What sets apart from other hosting companies? For starters, we don't use SolusVM, or CPanel. We have a solid belief in open source, and believe in the stability and capability of using opensource applications. For virtualization we use ProxMox 3.0 VE which is a bare-metal virtualization platform based on the tried and true Debian linux system. With billing integration, you can manage your VPS directly inside the client system. For our shared web hosting plan we use an actively-developed opensource control panel, Kloxo-MR, which is easy to use and offers a plethora of features.
All Nodes Are On 1Gbit lines.
15-day money back guarantee on all plans. 99.9% SLA we'll credit you for any service interruption.
The Deals
- OpenVZ
- 1 Core
- 128 RAM/128 Swap
- 1 IP Address
- 20GB Space
(No coupon needed)
- 1 CPU Cores
- 512 MB RAM
- 600 GB Bandwidth
- 15 GB Space
- 1 IP Address
Order Link
More VM Plans
More OpenVZ
Use Coupon: SUMMER30 for 30% OFF
Option 2: The Custom Job
Completely customizable VPS Plans.
Only pay for what you need.
Instant Setup!
Starting at 8.40/mo w/ SUMMER30
Starting at 4.90/mo w/ SUMMER30
We are hosted in Los Angeles at the Quadranet datacenter.
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Test IP
Test File: http://terafire.net/100MB.zip
AUP Quick and Dirty: IRC OK, Private Proxies and VPN okay. No public proxies or open VPNs. No spamming/mass mailing/SEOing with our servers. RDNS By Request DNS Management. Bandwidth overages won't get you suspended, but you will be throttled to 10Mbps until next billing cycle.
Ask for us for up to 10 IPv6 addresses on any KVM plan.