
The cesspit / chat thread.


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Yep. I still have a dev box but got pretty upset when I couldn't get support for it. They're weird.

Worst case scenario on a live box is I goof something up badly enough I got to do a restore from backup. A pain in the ass, sure, but not a catastrophic failure by any means. 


The Irrational One
Retired Staff
Cheers boys. 

I've been gone for a week or so right now because I'm on holiday in Australia.  

It's absolutely wonderful.  However internet could be much better.  All the hotels I've stayed at have terrible WiFi and usually a max cap of around 600 MB a day.  Almost unusable.  My SIM card here has data and tethering but I only have 3 GB of bandwidth right now.  

So sorry for not being as active on here as I really should be.  Trip is going wonderfully (scuba diving, surfing, snorkeling, getting eaten by a fish (there's a story to this), etc.) and I'll still be here for another week (I have to "work" in Brisbane for a week).  So if anyone has to contact me directly just leave me a PM.  I'll be back regularly sometime mid next week.



Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
I have to say, I'm disappointed.  I come back to get a laugh from the tinfoil shitstorm I figured would be brewing here after last night and... nothing.


The Irrational One
Retired Staff
I've given up on US Politics.

I've given up on a lot of things.

Right now, my top focus is to work on my own shit. 

President HalfEatenPie for 2020!
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Cocktail Enthusiast
Verified Provider
I have to say, I'm disappointed.  I come back to get a laugh from the tinfoil shitstorm I figured would be brewing here after last night and... nothing.

I was too drunk and excited to post. 
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The Irrational One
Retired Staff
I really wish entire Trump going to the white house was a joke.  Just a joke that went too far.  But here we are now.  With poo in our pants.  I'd actually laugh if he was a decent president.  Maybe it's all just a hustle!

Honestly, I'm only interested now to see what happens.  I think it's done for in regards to good international relations (since the president basically holds all the power related to international affairs and Trump has almost no respect from the international community), but US's domestic policies I'm interested in.

What's also unfortunate is that the republicans now hold all the seats. 
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New Member
Verified Provider
I really wish entire Trump going to the white house was a joke.  Just a joke that went too far.  But here we are now.  With poo in our pants.

Hahahaha quite possibly the best quote ever!

It's certainly going to be an interesting wait until after january when he is sworn in.
What will his agenda be?... The implications could be catastrophic... or he could back flip big time? but only time will tell! 


Cocktail Enthusiast
Verified Provider
I should prob post here more often.. Been giving LET too much love lately. 