You know what...
You just posted the same thing 4 times.![]()
I have no idea what you're talking about!
Hehe, when I posted that the server timed out on me several times so I didn't see if it was actually posted. Good catch
You know what...
You just posted the same thing 4 times.![]()
Ernie left CC last month? Interesting.
Must have finally got tired of being the only competent one running things 24/7 and wanted a real paycheck.
I am only surprised it didn't happen sooner.
He was like the only one of the CC brands that didn't totally suck per my understanding, how long till that changes I wonder?
I mean CC did dump every shit brand (CVPS, 123Systems, BlueVM, etc.) on his plate. Hard enough running just one of those let alone all of them.
needs more IPv4 depletion fearmongering
Also, I'm still alive. Just incredibly busy. Going to become an instructor at work though, so that's awesome. Guess I'll be one of the new OC spray (pepper spray) instructors which will be fun. Bad news is I have to get sprayed to become an instructor. Don't need to be sprayed to carry it and be certified, only if you're teaching.
I've got some time off this coming week so I plan on spending some of it working on the site and getting caught up on some stuff. Ol' MannDude hasn't forgotten about y'all.
Jesus...that's the good stuff as well.
How long did it take to recover from that?
Then I second dose when deploying my OC later that day. The canister was just about empty so when I deployed it instead of a nice, heavy, direct stream I got a mist... like spraying hair spray. And the wind blew that mist right back into my face and eyes. That put me out for a good 5-10 minutes, lol.
You did it twice? I know nothing about training for this stuff, but you are braver than me. I am not sure I could muster ever doing it once even on accident.