
The cesspit / chat thread.


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
I'm going to get a metal detector down there and hopefully find a good stash of old coins. Hopefully coins is all I find if I start digging down there... haha.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
You literally live in a unibomber shack.


No he doesn't.  He really wishes he did though ;)

That's typical of many old homes in the States - that basement.  Well minus the DIY supports...  Codes usually want ahh metal wind up ones buried in the floor these days.  I am blah about codes and all, they can die in their own self caused fire :)


Verified Provider
i did invest the 5$ (courtesy of someone in IRC that donated it) for a 100TB GVH - Burning 400Mbit/s outbound currently. We'll see.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Someone dropped GVH's box on this offer with quite a few simultaneous inbound HTTP requests - sustained overnight.

100TB thing, bad bad bad idea.   Unless someone has boxes to burn up and nearly free and bandwidth to balance.

Hopefully no legitimate customers actually bought that offer and expect to have reasonable service quality.

And for the data / math bugs - 1 gigabit NIC = how much xfer per month?  300TB??? approximately?  So 1 customer going to hit the 100TB challenge will churn a full 1/3rd of the box capcity and if they do so non uniformly over span of month, it will possibly make the server unusable to all other tenants..  Swell.

Sell 100TB plans vs. 300TB capacity of the box.

1-1 ratio = 3 plans sold

5-1 ratio = 15 plans sold

10-1 ratio = 30 plans sold

What are the price points :) ?  $5 per?   that's income:  $15, $75, $150....  Which means....  Oversell ratios are even much higher ;)

1GB plan x 30 = 30GB of RAM 1-1~ on shit E3 / 32GB box

More like 100 containers to 150 containers when loaded.

100 containers = 100GB of RAM sold vs. 32GB in E3 [given they aren't running a 16GB RAM E3]

100 containers each at 100TB BW= 10000 TB = 10 Petabytes, no?  

but the upside is 100 containers = $500 of income. Congrats, you are balling! Bling Bling!

Even if people aim for 10% of their BW use on average = 1 Petabyte.

But but but... the box with a single gigabit NIC can't pump 1 PB in a month.
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Dormant VPSB Pathogen
100TB thing, bad bad bad idea.   Unless someone has boxes to burn up and nearly free and bandwidth to balance.
The 100TB thing isn't nearly as bad an idea as him giving @ greenvaluehost email addresses to his affiliates/HackForum skids who are advertising GVH on HackForums .  Giving out company email addresses to affiliates (especially hack forum skids) is a security nightmare just waiting to happen.

GreenValueHost HackForums ad advertising "Spoofing Dedis":

GreenValueHost convo from WHT Premium section with Jonny justifying the HF ads and giving out company emails to skids:

i did invest the 5$ (courtesy of someone in IRC that donated it) for a 100TB GVH - Burning 400Mbit/s outbound currently. We'll see.
Placing bets that anyone who tries to use that 100Tb will be suspended before they even hit 10TB...he has a habit of finding excuses to suspend anyone who actually tries to use what they paid for.


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
The 100TB thing isn't nearly as bad an idea as him giving @ greenvaluehost email addresses to his affiliates/HackForum skids who are advertising GVH on HackForums .  Giving out company email addresses to affiliates (especially hack forum skids) is a security nightmare just waiting to happen.

GreenValueHost HackForums ad advertising "Spoofing Dedis":

GreenValueHost convo from WHT Premium section with Jonny justifying the HF ads and giving out company emails to skids:

Placing bets that anyone who tries to use that 100Tb will be suspended before they even hit 10TB...he has a habit of finding excuses to suspend anyone who actually tries to use what they paid for.
Jesus.. that's bad.

But I guess when you keep getting 'ran out of town' (LET, vpsB, and soon WHT) you need to find a new home.

I look forward to seeing how some of the HF folks respond when experiencing issues with their service...


Verified Provider
There we go:

Dear ,

We are sorry to inform you that we are going to discontinue the 100TB plans and cancel all active 100TB packages. Please take backups of any data that you have stored on your virtual server. Your VPS plan will be cancelled in 1 weeks time and your invoice will then be promptly refunded in full.

We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and are acting in the best interest of the stability of our services and our company. Thank you for your understanding.




Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
There we go:

Man, what a joke. Can't even sit down and figure out if offering a particular deal / plan will be feasible past 48 hours.

EDIT: Actually, I'm sure Centara either put a stop to it or someone in Buffalo told him not to cool it. :)
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Verified Provider
I have enough of him - He deleted my account (which technically is fine) but also lied on FraudRecord - I was at the Austrian criminal police and filed "Strafanzeige" (criminal complaint) against both Jonny and GVH for defamation. This now goes to the FBI for further investigation and i should hear back in 2-3 months.


Dormant VPSB Pathogen
I have enough of him - He deleted my account (which technically is fine) but also lied on FraudRecord - I was at the Austrian criminal police and filed "Strafanzeige" (criminal complaint) against both Jonny and GVH for defamation. This now goes to the FBI for further investigation and i should hear back in 2-3 months.
This is why I have a low opinion of FraudRecord: they need to screen the providers they allow to join better and they should permanently ban any provider who makes any false report  (my main objection to FraudRecord though is that I'm in the same camp as TRUSTe (see their position on hashes here) when it comes to hashes and consider them personally identifiable information and believe providers should disclose on their privacy policies that they use FraudRecord...the fact that anyone, like me, can type in a name and see a report on a person bolsters my opinion).

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Verified Provider
I wrote FraudRecord to remove it with proof that i did nothing wrong - If the owner declines that he gets a criminal complaint for knowing support of defamation as well. Turkey or not, that will not protect him.

I'm fairly pissed off now which means this won't end well for GVH.
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Dormant VPSB Pathogen
Turkey or not
Harzem is in Turkey but FraudRecord and its database are hosted on a server in the US.  If a case was brought in the US, FraudRecord would be protected by the ISP immunity laws (47 230( c )(1))

In the US falsely accusing someone of a crime is one of the 4 categories of defamation that fall under defamation per se and the only thing the plaintiff needs to prove in a defamation per se case in order to win the libel suit is that the  statement was published to a third party.  Unlike most libel, in defamation per se cases the plaintiff doesn't need to prove the statement made by the other party was false.  That FraudRecord entry is all you would need to win a case against GVH since GVH is alleging criminal intent.
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
@William what did he boot your service for?  I saw some ticket action flying around that was attributable to you, but never was clear therein what he was alleging you did or didn't do with your VPS instance.

Fraudrecord -  I don't use it, but intend on API tying it to tools for other use in the future.   Have folks checked for GVH / Jonny's email in there as being reported for prior fraud?  I think there is an entry or two in there. Ho hum....

Defamation - 

"In the US falsely accusing someone of a crime is one of the 4 categories of defamation that fall underdefamation per se and the only thing the plaintiff needs to prove in a defamation per se case in order to win the libel suit is that the  statement was published to a third party.  "

No where in the complaint or prior ticket hockey screencaps did I see crime reference or inference other than Jonny poking at Williams ToR related prior matters, distastefully and after William slapped about taking legal action in Illinois.

Legal matters around defamation are murky, often expensive and usually out of the area of approach for regular every day common folks.  Outcomes, not the way I like and encourage it to be....

Me, I think it's good for popcorn time, all of it.  Providers can file nearly anything in Fraudrecord - any reason.

"Our member companies can report unpleasant clients to Fraudrecord"

Unpleasant can mean the customer calls your support person Scott,  SCATT instead.  It can mean the customer wants more prompt response than your team provides.   It can mean even that the customer ran to another forum and got vocal about their purchase displeasure.

For those reasons, Fraudrecord is subject to abuse by filing providers.

If anything, Fraudrecord is probably running afoul of laws in multiple companies by allowing things to go on a customer's permanent record.  Removal process as-is, is to contact the company who filed against you and ask for removal in Fraudrecord.  If that can't be done or they refuse, it stays and you can contact FraudRecord, but there is no real process in public described.

As I am fond of saying, customers have rights too and consumer protection exists in all civilized countries.   You also have prevalent European Right to be Forgotten style regulations.


Verified Provider
@William what did he boot your service for?
Apparently for "Being criminal" - He also said i have a criminal record (which is not true, sub 5 years probation in Austria does not mean any entry there). I don't deny that he can legally deny me service (His ToS are fairly clear on this). If he published the ticket it would be a violation of his own privacy policy and have further consequences. I also see a possible recourse for data protection violation with publishing my data in FraudRecord.

No where in the complaint or prior ticket hockey screencaps did I see crime reference
The Fraudrecord entry lists me as "spreading false information" (a lie) and abuser (again, lie) which is intended to cause damage (due to denial of service at other providers) - In Austrian law this is fairly clear as defamation and what we call "Ehrverletzung" (

Austrian police was (surprisingly) helpful, took the case and my notes and told me it will be forwarded to US authorities for further investigation - Which he said can take a few months. I was also recommended to report it to US authorities with my Austrian case number and the contact data of the officer in Austria.
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Dormant VPSB Pathogen
Have folks checked for GVH / Jonny's email in there as being reported for prior fraud?  I think there is an entry or two in there. Ho hum....
Two reports from 2014, a FR search by name and a FR search by the email address listed on GVH's WHOIS.

I also see a possible recourse for data protection violation with publishing my data in FraudRecord.
Not just publishing it, but also giving ownership of it to Harzem d/b/a FraudRecord.


"You acknowledge and agree that all information submitted to FraudRecord servers become the property of FraudRecord, and FraudRecord reserves the right to keep this information indefinitely and use the information in any means deemed necessary for proper functioning of the Service."

The Fraudrecord entry lists me as "spreading false information" (a lie) and abuser (again, lie) which is intended to cause damage (due to denial of service at other providers) - In Austrian law this is fairly clear as defamation and what we call "Ehrverletzung" (
The fact that you work/have worked in the web hosting industry and he is spreading this false info to other web hosting companies who could be potential employers doesn't exactly work in his favor either since it could damage your job prospects (that is, if anyone in the hosting industry actually took the things he says seriously)
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