I also have a cat, named Bucu.
Rescued him off the street in January, it was blazing cold and as I came back home in one night he was just sitting in front of my apartment block eating a slice of something someone gave to him most probably.
I couldn't pass by him and just ignore him and go to my warm comfy home, so I had to take him in.
Next day at the vet, found out he has an intestine disease which the vet gave him just 50-50 chances of survival from. Took him every day for 2 weeks for treatment and in the end he got all better.
He's barely one year old about now, as I don't know his exact age, just what the vet estimated.
The sad part is that even without the disease he had he wouldn't have made it on the streets because he has some trauma which causes him to have very poor balance and can't jump at all, not even on the bed which is not that far off the floor, he gets dizzy often and falls off his feet... but other than that he's full of energy and would play all day long if he could and bounces around in a deer sort of way through the entire house.
This is him just about one month after I had rescued him, he was all healthy now but still kinda upset:

This is him sleeping on his dedicated chair, yes I had to sacrifice a chair just for him to sleep on
Of course he also sleeps in bed

And this is him hiding when he's done something bad
I hope you guys enjoy the pics and his story