I was so hoping you'd say that again :3
(full log)
It really doesn't matter what fairytale you want to make up - you encouraged attacks against our network, and you're a known skid affiliate. Just because you pretend it doesn't happen doesn't change reality, and the more you try to act like some innocent self-proclaimed guru, the more I'll rub that in your face.
I do believe last time you claimed you were 'testing for leaks' and that you 'never encouraged Topiary to attack'. I can't wait to hear the story this time.
And as expected, you don't even understand what part of your statement I'm refering to. For example, what exactly makes you think that Laurelai is my "ex"? And how exactly does "is a known skid affiliate" translates into "is a skiddy"? And how do you translate a clear admission that it wasn't a good idea, into "to this day still thinks he did nothing wrong"?
Oh, and perhaps I should remind you of the crap you've pulled yourself? Such as terminating my services and removing all my data without bothering to even let me make a backup, and then lying about it a year or two later, claiming with a straight face that you'd been perfectly reasonable and offered a backup?
Or how about this gem? Where you quietly nullrouted me from your network edge for months,
including from all customer services such as VPSBoard, without even bothering to let me know - over a personal dispute, after I'd explicitly gotten permission-by-proxy to be on your network?
<Aldryic>Here's the deal. You cannot get to vpsb because I nullrouted your IP months ago after your repeated ban evasions.
<Aldryic>You leave this ircd, for good, I'll lift the null.
<joepie91>repeated ban evasions?
<Aldryic>I've made it very clear that due to your past actions, you are not welcome on our network.
<Aldryic>Leave, and I'll lift the nullroute.
<joepie91>I was under the impression that I was allowed to be here, after vld supposedly asked you guys permission for that
<joepie91>I had no intention of ban evading
<Aldryic>I have told you DIRECTLY that you are not welcome.
<Aldryic>This will not change.
<joepie91>right, but I'm not sure why I wasn't just told that instead of "sure it's okay for you to come back" (via vld as proxy), rather than nullrouting my IP :/
<joepie91>and no, I'm not complaining/disagreeing
<joepie91>just explaining the confusion on my side
<Aldryic>I really don't care what the excuse is.
<joepie91>anyway, I'll leave here then
<Aldryic>One of two things will happen. 1) You will leave voluntarily, and NOT come back; and I will lift the nullroute that is apparently causing your VPSB issues.
<Aldryic>2) I continue to place new nullroutes until you give up trying to com back.
<joepie91>I already said I have no intention of ban evading... I'm about to remove this net from my ZNC
<Aldryic>Ensure that the removal is permanent.
<joepie91>it is
But no, I'm sure that
in your world it all makes perfect sense, and you're the flawless guy, and I'm a skid. Sure. Go ahead with that if you really believe that, but stop spreading bullshit about me every chance you get.
Seriously, I'm sick of your shit. Cut it out already.
EDIT: Oh, and for clarity: I've never disputed that log or event. I've been completely transparent about it, and explained my rationale. And should I remind you that your own investigation confirmed that indeed no attack had taken place, as I had expected?