
Ukraine - Russia Situation


Active Member
"in his first public comments on the issue, Mr Putin denied the heavily armed troops were Russian. He said they were "local self-defence forces" loyal to Moscow, protecting the bases from "nationalists" and "anti-Semites"."


If ^^ true then why the hell did they go there? If there are "local self-defence forces" already despite there is nothing really to defend against, then why are that bunch of soliders and ammunition needed there?.
Russia's Black Sea Fleet is stationed in Sevastopol - hence the reference to 'local self-defense forces'.  This is not referring to the paramilitary operations going on near the local parliament and near Simferopol.  Those are just extremely well-armed hobbyists who happen to drive vehicles with Moscow license plates. Absolutely no ties to the Russian Armed Forces.  *cough*


Active Member
I should probably point out that despite my sometimes cynicism in this matter with regards to the rumblings that go on in the rarefied air of politics, the servicemen stationed at the bases are not sneaky Russian bastards that are bent on occupying Crimea.  They've been put in an awkward situation of having to do a base lock-down, even at the risk of having to fire upon their former Ukrainian base roommates and friends of several years.


New Member
Two points I failed to understand is: "In my opinion Russia should be allowed to evacuate it's citizens from the conflict areas"

i have heared about unrest and bloody events from Kiev, but havent heared such things from the eastern part of the country.

Are there any reports,images etc out there about actual incidents there or its just the "could happen"?

the other point I'm not clear about is: are those russian-speaking ukranians ukranian and russian citizens at the same time?
Well, Russia is 'creating' Russian citizens on the spot by handing out passports to any Ukrainian walking into the Russian consulate.

Unrest isn't that violent as it was in Kiev, but it's the excuse Moscow is using for this 'invasion'. So if that's the reason the Russians are there, they should evacuate their citizens and GTFO Ukrainian territory.

I don't get the western leaders, are they really that stupid? Threatening isn't going to work with the Russians, they will always walk up to the line and take a few steps over it. Putin is like a little child he needs instant and direct consequences for wrong behavior.


The ocean is digital
As an American I honestly give up on this stuff. I hope everyone over there is well and safe, about all I can say. I've learned two things over the last decade. I cannot trust the media narrative of an event that I cannot see, no matter the outlet, and I cannot trust internet commentary. The only people who ever have something to say always seem to have an agenda, and their media of choice is always the one that reflects their opinions.

So to everyone on that side of the world, my prayers are with you always, and I haven't the damnedest clue what actually goes on anywhere. Mass media was supposed to connect us to the outside world to see truth more clearly. That outcome was easily averted by too many shouting idiots.


Active Member
@jarland: i agree with your opinion on mass media.

I'm in a country next-to-ukraine i hear all kinds of things, but tought that i would be really interesting to hear what gets out in the world. im mostly reading bbc,spiegel international(has a few differences with the native language version :D), occasionally times and of course media of my own language..

thanks everyone for sharing your toughts! looking forward to hear some more..