
ultra lowend colo (colo offers less than $20/m)


New Member
If there are dedicated servers less than $20/m- I don't see any reason why colocation cannot break that price barrier.

Please list any colocation providers offering in this range.



Article Submitter
Verified Provider
I know that VolumeDrive can do this, but you shouldn't go with them (they are going bankrupt).


Active Member
I suspect colo has a lot more DC operations hassle per server than 1000's of racks of identical, centrally managed dedicated servers.  The low cost dedi hosts are almost like VPS hosts in that the operations are heavily automated.  This isn't possible with colo where someone has to physically wrangle boxes around.


New Member
Verified Provider
Someone could always rent a full cabinet and then sell it as 41 separate 1U colo slots, but the profit would probably be marginal and the hassle not small.


New Member
Verified Provider
The thing is, to do colo you need more expensive PDU that can meter power per outlet. You also would need more Lantronix Spider and other remote access tools around. Not to mention colo is customized. It's not a you load 20 servers into a rack and be done. So take more power, some less, some more space etc. It won't be an exact fit.


New Member
Yes I am aware of Volumedrive's 19.95$ colo. But it is possible that you will not get your hardware back lol

So how much realistically is the lowest prices on colocation nowadays?


New Member
Verified Provider
Yes I am aware of Volumedrive's 19.95$ colo. But it is possible that you will not get your hardware back lol

So how much realistically is the lowest prices on colocation nowadays?
Depends on your specs. Amps - IPs - bandwidth - port?


Dormant VPSB Pathogen
Lowest price? Free, raspberry PI colo at EDIS.
from their Twitter feed last week:

Q (user): "Wird es in absehbarer Zeit wieder RasPI colocation geben? :)"

A (Edis):"ja, wird es. Sobald wir Nachschub an Netzteilen bekommen, können wir wieder 200 slots vergeben ;-) "

PCExtreme offers Rasberry PI colo for €3 monthly in their DC (DC is Gyro Center II in Amsterdam)
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Verified Provider
I think the real question here would be what type of hardware are you looking to colo? How much space, power, port and bandwidth?


Verified Provider
Just thinking for a data center to offer colo sub $20 you either have to have tons of space or have a section of your facility you dedicate to really budget colo and sell things sub your full rates. That doesn't always mean support has to suffer either. 

We have seen raspberry pi colo for sub $20 so maybe it can be done if the colo facility wants too. Our parent company sells colo for $40/mo. But I would be interested in discussing to see if we could implement something like that here for vpsBoard members.

Seems everything can be commoditized except for true enterprise level private cloud at the moment due to expensive infrastructure.


Well-Known Member
Verified Provider
Just thinking for a data center to offer colo sub $20 you either have to have tons of space or have a section of your facility you dedicate to really budget colo and sell things sub your full rates. That doesn't always mean support has to suffer either. 

We have seen raspberry pi colo for sub $20 so maybe it can be done if the colo facility wants too. Our parent company sells colo for $40/mo. But I would be interested in discussing to see if we could implement something like that here for vpsBoard members.

Seems everything can be commoditized except for true enterprise level private cloud at the moment due to expensive infrastructure.
Who is your parent company?