
ultra lowend dedicated (with dedi offers less than $20)


New Member
OVH (kimsufi line) - only for France residents

delimetervps (with 5$ atoms)


Datashack ($25 lowest offer)

Any other dedi providers? And which offers can you recomment?

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Active Member
Wholesaleinternet has P4 servers @ $19/mo. currently sold out thought, but does get restocked often.

--forgot to add.. also has ARM servers (Quad Core Samsung Cortex-A9 (4 x 1.7 Ghz) @ $19/mo.. sold out too thought. X2 4800, 4GB Ram, 250 GB HD 100Mbit @ 8TB 2 IP's @ $19.95/mo 0 setup fee
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New Member
Verified Provider
Just a heads up, with low end providers like that come some not so great quality. I live here in Kansas City and have been in Joes, Wholesale, and DataShack. I won't say anything publicly here, but if you have questions just PM me.


Active Member
That's like recommending Colo-crossing.
No where in my post did I mentioned or implied I'm recommending any of the services that I posted..

For what it's worth, I do currently have active servers with DS/WII, OVH and VD and they have been more than acceptable if you are reasonable with your expectations of a budget host!


Active Member
Forgot another one from dedibox.. VIA nano U2250 CPU, 2GB ECC Ram, 500 GB Hybrid HD, 150Mbit unmetred in France @ 9.99€/mo

Similar to OVH they have a pretty nice panel in the client portal for reboot, automated OSreloads etc..


New Member
No where in my post did I mentioned or implied I'm recommending any of the services that I posted..

For what it's worth, I do currently have active servers with DS/WII, OVH and VD and they have been more than acceptable if you are reasonable with your expectations of a budget host!

Plenty of VolumeDrive reviews on WHT, this is just one of them.
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New Member
so delimiter was a Dan Fry company and is now a Yomura company now. They do have tempting offers but I would suggest getting away as far as possible.


OVH (kimsufi line) - only for France residents


Datashack ($25 lowest offer)

Stay away

delimetervps (with 5$ atoms) - Dan Fry / Yomura company


Right now- I would think has the best offers but terminating their services is such a difficult thing.


New Member
Verified Provider
So what specifications are you looking for and what do you intend to use the server for? I might have an offer, but it depends on your requirements and intended use of the server.


The Irrational One
Retired Staff
Is there a story behind this? Can't seem to find anything.


He's an individual that has frequently scammed many individuals and usually brings in other people to be the "front" to each company and in the end takes everything.  The person who was working the front gets all the rage/anger/threats and the company itself is run to the ground.  

Of course he's done other things but that's what I can think of at the moment.  

Delimeter (or whatever you spell it) has been in the spotlights before:

It's probably best to stay away away away from these companies.  


Retired Staff
Verified Provider
Retired Staff
Just a heads up, with low end providers like that come some not so great quality. I live here in Kansas City and have been in Joes, Wholesale, and DataShack. I won't say anything publicly here, but if you have questions just PM me.
You already have said something publicly -you may as well expand on that or say nothing at all.


Company Lube
Verified Provider
The problem with VD is they probably won't own their equipment for much longer.

There was a statement made by the leasing company that they fear VD is going to leave town with the gear again, screwing them out of any way to recoup the gear.



Active Member
Since we've broken the $20 barrier, hetzner's auctions go for ~$25 usd if you're not a EU resident.


OVH/Kimsufi != .FR only.

And yeah, stay as far away from any Yomura stuff as possible. Thieving scum.