
URPad down, Wholesale Internet and Datashack also down.


New Member
The outage didn't effect Oak high rise location, but instead their North Datashack location which is backhauling fiber from Oak to there.  Meaning packets flow into Oak and then out through city fiber to North Datashack location.   The issue and redundancy is specific to Datashack and not WSI itself.  WSI customers appear to be online throughout this outage.
I have a dedicated from WSI(support mails are from datashack,billing mails are from WSI) and it was offline due this outage.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Thanks @imperio.   That's kind of news since the North facility was pretty much 90% of what was spoken about.

Upside to this outage is routes appear to be over Cogent for now.   Haven't been watching the network much lately, but do remember and often groaning about the Sprint transit there instead (which also was adding a bit more latency).

Ping times for me are up and down - pretty big deviations in short period of time 35-54 ms (tested 2-3 minutes ago).  Saw higher deviations last night.