Wow, quiet a welcome I must sayPost the solution, asshole.
We both know that someone's going to stumble upon this topic one day and curse you for not posting the solution to your problem.Wow, quiet a welcome I must say
While it may of been nice for him to post the solution, calling him an 'asshole' because he didn't is out of line.We both know that someone's going to stumble upon this topic one day and curse you for not posting the solution to your problem.
Thank you for agreeing to my point of view. I will be posting the solution soon. Its funny that such a simple solution is not available onlineWhile it may of been nice for him to post the solution, calling him an 'asshole' because he didn't is out of line.
Probably should've just rolled it as 'Post the solution, or you're an asshole' for extra clarity. Plus, people would be less likely to think it's going too far.We both know that someone's going to stumble upon this topic one day and curse you for not posting the solution to your problem.