Big picture, these two will be fine if they put distance between their companies properly. As in their own servers, IPs, etc. Right now it smells like a reseller deal leveraging dual post/ad ability (which I've poked about for a year or two over there and what could/will occur due to encouraging such a work around)...
The CC relationship, it's surviveable per se. It just isn't good for sales in the segment they muscle busted (CC/LE*)... Oversaturated and tons of drama (actual drama, not just me scab picking them).
I just ask that you remember the poor servers we've seen at CC in near past --- Google: colocrossing --> then go to images... And remember the routers/switches with the funny round robin set up.... and the many many shells (ServerMania ran over 6 different co's through that marketplace last year + CC's brands)....
It's like moving into a neighborhood you know sucks, then getting jacked... then saying unfair. You fellows aren't new to the industry, you've had companies for a few years...