There is brass in the statue above, even if @ChrisM seems to have gone off half-cocked.
Thanks for fixing theme to be mobile friendly! I can finally read and post via mobile!
Glad it's working well for you!![]()
Thanks for the response Jonathan, if I could make one recommendation, is it possible to make the response area a little bigger via mobile browser? When I'm on my phone, I can't see the textbox fully. If its not possible, nevermind the suggestion... but it has come along way and is much usable now! Thanks once again!
As you may have recently have heard...
Not quite sure why they would want to run such a forum
One of the other hosting forums is a cess pit
Easy there, I have been a member of WHT since 2003, I'm attached to it..
Correct me if I'm wrong, but WHT is a telescope on La Palma in the Canary Islands, right?
Jeeeze. I joined WHT in January of 2002. ( )
I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't of looked it up. Fifteen years in the industry in some fashion or another, mainly as a consumer.