
Whats Your Monthly Mobile Data Use


VPS Junkie
I pay for $55/mo for 10GB on Wind Mobile and I try to use all of it.  I've used 8GB this month and have 13 days left =/

I haven't been able to find anyone who will offer more than 10GB, most plans come with 1-2GB for much more money.



Active Member
Close to 0.  I only use mobile data on rare occasions, to look up directions or check for an urgent email or the like.  I don't see how to use 10+GB unless you're streaming video or something.  I don't see any reason to use mobile data for something like podcasts.  The original concept of a podcast (the name derives from "ipod" which was originally a portable audio player with an internal hard drive and no network connectivity) was that you downloaded the file from your computer onto your portable player at home, then listened to the portable on the train or whatever.  I have a non-networked (non-ipod) portable player with enough good music in its local flash storage that I don't see any need to stream anything to it.  I'm content to occasionally put new stuff on it at home.

I have the t-mobile $2/day plan for my ancient smartphone, which means if I use the phone any particular day, it costs $2 for that day til midnight (unlimited usage), but if I don't use it, it costs $0.  So I don't use it unless getting online that minute is worth $2, which is maybe once every few months.  Otherwise I use wifi if I can find it, or wait til I get home.

I use a separate dumbphone with no data plan for most voice calls and SMS.  My total expenditures for both phones are less than $10 a month most of the time.  Both are prepaid.
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New Member
2-5GB, sometimes a little more. 90% of my usage is from tethering, pretty much everything I do on the phone itself is text-based so low bandwidth


vpsBoard Premium Member
Since July 22, 2014, or about 3 months, 13.7GB.  But I was on the road for 4 weeks of that period and was relying on my hotspot, which was 6GB of that.

If my employer didn't pay for my phone and I had to buy my own phone, I wouldn't pay for mobile data.  About the only thing that I really need while not in wifi is maps/directions, and I could get by without that (I did for 40 years before the iPhone came along!)

Everything else is nice but not worth paying for.


Active Member
I typically used to limit the 3G data usage to around 500MB per month. Since I moved to new location, whenever the office Internet goes down, everyone connects to my mobile and so, for last two months, its around 4 to 5GB.


Verified Provider

We use LTE as main house connection.

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New Member
Hmm my primary internet connection is LTE (which is you know mobile data from your telco). It does use a modem / router.

We contantly max out the 2mbps allocation- with my little kid watching youtubes most of the time and 720p at that. There are a lot of times where the bandwidth is allowed to go way above 2mbps.

So 5gb a day is quite small for our usage.

It costs 1000pesos / about 25usd by the way
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Server Management Specialist
Verified Provider
I hardly really use mine. I used to use a lot but now all I use my phone for is e-mail and phone calls. I used to hit the limit all the time with youtube and music apps but I hardly use them anymore.


Active Member
I use a my mobile phone a lot when out and about and I have "all you can eat data" from ThreeUK, but I use about 1.19GB from 26th Oct - 1st Nov. But 1.03GB of that is from Hook (app) which I use for my ChelseaTV streaming.


New Member
Verified Provider
I pay 120 a month for my phone plan plus an extra 3gb data pack (6gb total). All so i can monitor nodes wherever i am.

Amazingly i am on my phone more then my computer. (Only use it for serious issues or coding otherwise my phone is weapon of choice)