I hate acronyms

Never can remember them.
OpenBox really has my attention, thus the ongoing love/hate with Crunchbang.
Frankly, I am long ago tired of having to hack my computer to adjust everything. GUI-land has never been friendly place for quick, easy and approachable mucking around --- especially with the graphic adapter, monitor, etc.
So, XFCE is commonly found on my workstations. Been using it for a while.
Kicked around Gnome on latest Debian on recent install that wasn't my machine. Quite nifty with whatever they call the task switcher ALT-TAB and the related screen when you mouse trail off the sides (shows what you have open in that desktop space and nests multiples open in the same program --- like multiple spread sheets). --- Also has interesting searchable software installed function that is peppy even on lowly old hardware.
Problem I have with most popular GUIs is the spyware/user activity tracking built in as a function. When/if I find it, I cannibalize it or jump ship to something else. Had been major issue in past year with distros.