1) This is called the "my black friend" defense against racism, and it is meaningless
2) The real big issue of racism here was that the Detective who interviewed him that night wanted him to be charged, but between Miami-Dade PD's history of racism and the fact that George was well known to the cops, they assumed his story to be true and told the detective they weren't charging him
1.) If it makes any amount of difference, the FBI investigation relating to this had the outcome of Zimmerman not being racist. Unsure how many racists have been outspoken against white-on-black crime in the past, as well as having also dated a black woman. I was going to use my 'black friends' defense in my follow up to your other quote but I can't do that now.

I believe if it was me walking through that neighborhood that rainy evening with my hood up, Zimmerman would have likely kept an eye on me too. Though the difference is, I would have kept walking and not have attacked him.
2.) The cop was actually fired.
PS MannDude this is terribly racist - a 'thug'? He never had a history of violence and fighting (that was Zimmerman), he smoked weed and mentioned doing like DXM (literally most of my ~mostly white~ high school did both of those and much more) and that picture of the gun wasn't any kind of proof he intended to buy a firearm
He looked innocent and angelic in nearly all his pictures, even the older ones, unless you are terrified of black people.
edit: I want you to go do an experiment for me - go out and buy some weed and smoke and bunch of it. Come back here after and tell us whether you get filled with Immense Negro Rage and beat up the first white man you run into, or if you sit at your computer and stream every episode of Tim and Eric's Awesome Show without taking a break
I didn't know how else to word it. The recent photos on his Facebook and Twitter were not the same angelic photos used by the media. In an effort to stir up more drama they plastered the photos of a smiling young child and not the young man he had become. Trayvon
DID have a history of violence. He was kicked out of school for fighting. Even his
TEXT MESSAGE RECORDS indicate his history for violence. In one event read during the trial (but not before the jury) Trayvon was txting his lady stating he fought some dude, lost the first round, but won the other 2 rounds. He said he was going back for more because his nose didn't bleed enough. His text message records also indicate an attempt to purchase a firearm, illegally. Don't take my word for it, you can view the record here:
http://trayvon.axiomamnesia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Trayvon-Martin-cell-phone-extraction-report-one-10-pages.pdf (The list doesn't include the texts that were hidden from some app on his phone, forget what it was called, but the individual in charge of examining phones as evidence spoke about the hidden media and texts during the trial)
He looked innocent and angelic in nearly all his pictures, even the older ones, unless you are terrified of black people.
This is when I was going to use my black friend defense, and I cant use it as per your response above, so not sure how to address it, haha. Look, the media really wanted to stir this up to make it seem some little kid was shot in cold blood. The fact is, it was a young man who was in great shape and a history of violence himself.
edit: I want you to go do an experiment for me - go out and buy some weed and smoke and bunch of it. Come back here after and tell us whether you get filled with Immense Negro Rage and beat up the first white man you run into, or if you sit at your computer and stream every episode of Tim and Eric's Awesome Show without taking a break
I'm no stranger to weed, having been a High School student and young adult myself, and I don't think his marijuana use was anything more than that of what High School teens do. Tim and Eric aren't my cup of tea, but give me Trailer Park Boys and I'll sit here all night. I think the drug use that was more worrying was the 'lean', or whatever. Look up his posts he made on Facebook and Twitter prior to all of this. He asks a friend where to get codeine. No the pill form, but liquid form. Skittles+Watermelon Fruit Drink+Liquid Codeine is the
speculation of what was going on that night, based on his social media history.
I know this makes me look like an asshole for bringing up the stuff the media isn't telling you, but the truth isn't always as interesting to the masses.
Zimmerman is suing NBC for editing the audio aired on TV of his 911 call that alone made him seem racist, which he'll probably need all the money he can get after Martin's sue him (even though TM's mom is trademarking the name, 'Trayvon').
It's an unfortunate event, but not really all that news worthy when you consider on any given night there are people being killed in Chicago and any other major US city. This one was just unique because it was a 'white man' killing a 'black boy' instead of the usual white man killing white man or black man killing black man story. Trayvon was in much better shape and experienced in recreational fighting. Zimmerman was out of shape, and I believe he was truly fearing for his life. The type of individual who would attack someone just for eyeing them down is the same type of un-adjusted individual who would be capable of something much worse. When would Trayvon had stopped attacking Zimmerman had he not been shot? When he got wore out? When Zimmerman stopped moving or was knocked unconscious? You can be put in a coma or die from the head injuries he suffered. It's unfortunate, but he did what he had to do after he was attacked.