I'm all for self-hosting services, but for the life of me can't figure out powerdns. I've tried it a few times on VM-s and the server never answered to dig.
I use cloudflare for everything for now.
Indeed, domainbop's comment of failure.
Imagine they drop, lock and purge all free accounts in 30 minutes.
Been years since I had PowerDNS going here... Was never simple.
Perhaps someone can share their install notes or point to working tutorial?
This is a simple single instance install with MariaDB:
That's what I've followed on Debian 8(mostly ubuntu 14.04 tutorials work, sometimes you have to modify file path and package names) and there was no response coming from bind when queried with dig. I've set bind to accept queries from and localhost. It never answered despite reboots/service restarts.
rm /etc/powerdns/pdns.d/pdns.simplebind.conf
Little better tutorial with this one.. using plain old MySQL... Some debugging towards the end of it:
rm /etc/powerdns/pdns.d/pdns.simplebind.conf
We do host our own DNS, setup in different locations and different nodes, very easy and uptime is great compare to just one server.
1. "just one server" violates RFC
2. Nameserver uptime doesn't matter
No penalty or find for violating RFCsJust more expected downtime with the SPOF (Single Point of Failure).
1. "just one server" violates RFC
2. Nameserver uptime doesn't matter
This is my exact DNS setup. 3x cheap VPS with PowerDNS + Poweradmin. Really works well.
In the past I had used BuddyNS. Service was fine but I was always riding the limits of the free tier.