He already tried Fiverr.
See: http://youtube.com/watch?v=HCwOggqwwzc and http://www.youtube.com/user/DewlanceReviews
See: http://youtube.com/watch?v=HCwOggqwwzc and http://www.youtube.com/user/DewlanceReviews
Exactly the reason I suggested it.He already tried Fiverr.
See: http://youtube.com/watch?v=HCwOggqwwzc and http://www.youtube.com/user/DewlanceReviews
Saw this one, when you DMCA everyone who gives a bad review of you (shamelesshosts too).. That does not leave a very nice impression of the company. To be honest, I believe your one of the only companies I've seen that threatens legal action for a bad review..
"Dewlance pRofEssIonAl VpS sErviCes wItH AutoBOOT for sale starting at $5"Fiverr!opcorn:
Sorry, I was post this thread at nigh(I think at 1AM or 2AM) and I can't access this forum from my mobile.Anyone else wonder why kuunu starts threads, or posts questions in other threads, then never returns to respond? Yeah me too.
SO, You learned what every company should know on day one?Sorry, I was post this thread at nigh(I think at 1AM or 2AM) and I can't access this forum from my mobile.
Thanks for suggestion, from my mistake I learn few things.
1. If customer place a order and order failed then refund money(Refund If customer want or give a concession)
2. If someone is trying to make a big issue then ignore and focus on your company(eg: don't waste time and spend your time on resolving tickets, company issue)
3. Don't fight with anyone on internet, they are not our enemy because of we never see them in real life(Maybe they are a very good person)
4. Give respect to everyone even If they are against you or not.
5. Don't argue with customer
6. Always give respect to your customer
Sefket has the right ideaEveryone makes mistakes. No one is perfect. The only thing you can do is learn from your mistakes.
Of course listen to people and build from there. Try and not make the same mistake again.