
The truth about Mao and BuyVM

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Active Member
I have services with both BuyVM and Prometeus, and I thought both were pretty trustworthy. But after this thread I'm not so sure about the former.

Mao's... opinionated, to say the least, but expressing an opinion, whether right, wrong, or just distasteful, is entirely different than making (thinly veiled) threats. When Aldryric says something like "we'll consider it an attack from your company"... that genuinely makes me worry about reprisal against my BuyVM services if I dare say something bad about them.

Francisco, as a longtime lurker I can say that you usually come across as a pretty nice guy. This is really below you. You and Aldryric are doing way more damage to your reputation by responding like that than Mao ever could.


Active Member
Verified Provider
Yikes man, that must've been brutal.  We actually completely stopped offering any migrations/etc from EGI because more often than not, the route would fail halfway through.
I think you got the full "get the f--- out of here" network performance, while at times, we got the "please, there's the door" network performance.  Mostly it was terrible.

Corporal Clegg

New Member
I've not dodged anything. He claims I hacked him which is incorrect. 

I'm not sure where we come off as elitists either. If we weren't skilled in what we do we wouldn't get daily PM's from people asking for an extra pair of eyes.
Ok, I was under the impression that you threatened (trolled) to hack prometeus' setup, which is quite serious in this context imo, trolling or not.

I'm sure your services and skills are top, and way above most of the other Providers here, but thats just the impression i have gotten after reading/lurking forums for some time.

Not aimed at anyone in this thread, but personally I don't buy services from companies if they act like keyboard warriors or children on internet forums, even how good and/or cheap they are.

Anyway, enough ramble. Happy new all.


Company Lube
Verified Provider
I have services with both BuyVM and Prometeus, and I thought both were pretty trustworthy. But after this thread I'm not so sure about the former.

Mao's... opinionated, to say the least, but expressing an opinion, whether right, wrong, or just distasteful, is entirely different than making (thinly veiled) threats. When Aldryric says something like "we'll consider it an attack from your company"... that genuinely makes me worry about reprisal against my BuyVM services if I dare say something bad about them.

Francisco, as a longtime lurker I can say that you usually come across as a pretty nice guy. This is really below you. You and Aldryric are doing way more damage to your reputation by responding like that than Mao ever could.
Lots of people go after Aldryic, even disagreeing clients. Hell, DcLardy and him haven't seen eye-to-eye in ages yet last I chatted to him he still had a half dozen kicking around. Everyone's open to their opinion but if you go on a 1 1/2 year baseless fight against us then you're going to wake the beast. We're always very big supporters of free speech and people having their own opinions.

You need to see it from my point. He's been at me for 1 1/2 years yet I snap once and suddenly I'm the bad guy? Give some slack.

Yes, I've come off as a complete ass hat but christ Mao's had it coming.


Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
When Aldryric says something like "we'll consider it an attack from your company"... that genuinely makes me worry about reprisal against my BuyVM services if I dare say something bad about them.
I encourage this, actually.  Granted, I encourage it more when legitimate problems are brought to our attention directly, rather than us hearing about it second-hand on a forum :p  But seriously, anything negative you have, bring it to our attention.  That's just more we can improve upon.

To clarify my earlier statement - I was making it very clear to Salvatore that his and Mao's actions are going to be considered attacks from Prometeus, since he's apparently fully behind everything Mao says.  If either of them had legitimate service with us?  Aye, they would be asked to leave.  Either at the end of their current cycle, or offered a prorated refund.  But that's not the case - my clarification was to make it clear to him that he was involving his company directly in his subordinate's actions.

Francisco, as a longtime lurker I can say that you usually come across as a pretty nice guy. This is really below you. You and Aldryric are doing way more damage to your reputation by responding like that than Mao ever could.
It's a bit of a catch22.  The choices are either to speak up and deny the claims, or simply let them spread their lies.  Obviously the latter is out of the question.  And while we've tried several times to deal with Mao reasonably (and even privately to save his embarrassment), he simply refuses to do anything but continue his tirade of lies.  The only real choice left is to systematically tear down his claims and leave him discredited enough that once enough people see just how dishonest and obnoxious he is, we wouldn't have to intervene directly any further.

By all means, if you have an alternate suggestion I'm all ears.  But the most efficient method in my experience is simply to let him make an ass of himself until it gets bad enough that he earns himself a ban.  Doubtless he'll then try to claim that I banned him directly.. but what can you do :p

Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
I think you got the full "get the f--- out of here" network performance, while at times, we got the "please, there's the door" network performance.  Mostly it was terrible.
heheh, yeeeeeeeah.  The management and I weren't exactly on good terms by that point - Fran was a lot nicer about calling out their BS when they tried to blame our setup for the horrible performance.  One guy's face when I showed up for the move and he realized who I was... absolutely priceless.


Active Member
Well, since I have read all posts in this thread, I need to see a screenshot of the PM mentioned here, before I reach a conclusion.

Show some proof guys. Beating around the bush just makes threads longer.

@Francisco Since @Mao is not around, can you post it here?


Active Member
TL;DR seems to be that everyone's been telling the truth at least according to their experiences - its the editorializing that's getting out of hand.  Sure, Mao's been a dick to Fran.  Aldryic's being a dick to Sal, Fran can't back down since he's called out by name.  Sal's playing the supportive friend card.  Both sides are puffing up like some birds in mating season heat.

I love both your companies but this is getting silly and is just putting BOTH of your companies into negative light.  At this point, I don't think any other readers really cares who started goading who first.  This isn't grade school.
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Active Member

You are right. I do have a few services with you.

As we all know, Aldryic is who he is. If he was the head of BuyVM, I would have already taken all my stuff out. While he has never done anything to customers (that I know of), his posts on forums are for the most part past the point of being arrogant.

Whether or not he is a nice guy, I have no idea. His attitude as of late seems to have gotten worse on here. Whether or not you or him realize it, he is a big part of the BuyVM image, and it might be beneficial for him to just be a nicer guy to everyone. The old Teddy Roosevelt saying comes to mind,

"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far ..."

He is just wielding the big stick all the time lately. Other than that, I have no problem with anyone here. This is place to discuss and help each other. We don't need to be dicks!


Active Member
This is an old isue, I only mentioned it in the historical context. 

It started from CC's doings and the attack of Spirit against DomainBop. He said "the people" are behind him when he said DomainBop was annoying (really ? poor guy has been a source of excellent historical data, I dont think that anyone except the cc guys finds him annoying, and CC only because the truth is not convenient). This is similar with what BuyVM did when they ruled there.

The difference is that, while I suspect that a few accounts were fake, those that set the tone, the majority of the people were indeed backing them. It took some time before the truth got out, and I only proved they are lying when they said everything is fine with their network, the problems only appeared when I convinced people to post speedtests, right....

After 2 months of dogging them, finally there were tens of people testifying about the horrible network there and they had to ban me for damage control, because they had now to tell with a straight face it is the DCs fault, a claim they were ridiculing each and every other provider, claiming incompetence instead, another double standard, buyvm style. Since then, how many DC's faults were there ? Aldryic never forgave me for that, but the feeling is mutual, I never forgave him for the banning either. Insults, name calling (I never did that, he was him all the time breaking the rules, yet he banned me...) that i can take, to a point, but dont mess with the freespeech. When "the people" are backing someone to handle out bans to the "annoying" people, a claim which wasnt even backed up later when the topic about my ban had to be sunk with lies  (the ban was for 48 hours only, I was banned for supporting DDoS attacks against LET even though nobody could bring any proof and the only real acusation was that i was being aannoying, but annoying to whom ?).  Even today their network sucks, compared with many other providers they are attacking, even CVPS.

That is  the historic data, lets come back to Fran's more recent endeavours. Frankly, before last 2 weeks i had better impressions on him, I was only wondering why is he letting Aldryic damage his brand so badly, but that was his business, however, since he now tries to silence me by threatening prometeus, then everything changes. First, I proved their network sucks before I even had a prometeus VM, it was only in the last 2 weeks before the ban that i had one (signed up 17th march with prometeus, got banned 2nd of april and joined in october or so). Their attempt to silence me for the historical events then should have nothing to do with prometeus. But, here we are. This was, of course, only a joke...

I am unfortunately away from home and refrained so far from posting privaate pms, but I will try nevertheless because Fran is lying regarding the content and Aldryic asked for them, while Francisco didn say not to post them. As such, I think I am free to post it. Now, lets see how I manage, I will do another post with the pics.

No need for another thread, I posted all in one place : Judge yourselves if those are threats or trolling.

We all know Fran has been using Solus for stallion 1 and they withdrew their license, the guy appeared exactly when they were launching stallion 2 and their campaign against hosts using solus is well known. I have no doubt francisco knows the vulnerabilities left, so the threat looks very real to me., but otthers might think they were right to do it, so, the images are there as they asked.
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Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
Still hilarious.  The kid decides to step into the ring, then starts crying when he takes a hit.  Best of all.. he blames everyone but himself for stepping up in the first place.

You keep claiming proof, but you never dish up.  Nothing but a liar, all you could ever be.

Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
The first line of the bottom reply in;

"I must admit [that] you lost me".  This has been true from day one, where you refuse to actually listen to logic and make up stories to suit your wild fantasies.  Instead of embarrassing yourself further, why not actually educate yourself instead of having to make up stories to explain what you cannot understand.


The Irrational One
Retired Staff

We all love both of you guys, and it seems the stress is wearing everyone down.

What's been said is said and I understand Fran's frustration with this (1.5 years of having someone berate you is difficult). Hell I've snapped at something less (although this individual I was living with and had to see him everyday and was just an overall annoyance). But I also understand Sal's point as well (I'd do the same for Jarland, granted Mao might not appreciate that one). If Mao believes this is the truth then well, I guess a discussion is in order to see why he believes said point to be the truth, but if he doesn't agree then he doesn't agree.

In the end though, this is a private matter that should probably be taken care of between the four of you guys in a private Skype conversation, I'd say this isn't something that should be aired in public. Mostly to save face and to prevent suggestive natures of each comment.

My opinions on both companies have not and will not change because of this. You know why? Because I see this more as a personal conflict than a professional conflict. We're all human and we're all bound to have personal conflicts here and there (even though I'm sure we all try to minimize this). We can't be "professional 24/7" because sooner or later you do need to de-stress and let loose for a bit. Sure a company can be professional 24/7 but it's much harder for a single individual.

Relax, think about it, and make the best decisions after you've thought about the best course of action.

Happy New Years fellers!


Active Member
The first line of the bottom reply in;

"I must admit [that] you lost me".  This has been true from day one, where you refuse to actually listen to logic and make up stories to suit your wild fantasies.  Instead of embarrassing yourself further, why not actually educate yourself instead of having to make up stories to explain what you cannot understand.
You're in damage control again, I see HEP is stepping in again because this doesnt go well for you now, but who's fault is that ? We will see if things taken out of context will continue to work now. You had a great thing there, too bad you decided to attack a whole group of people to cover for the problems with your network. It was the one mistake that started this whole thing and the fact that you could never stop bullying people made it worse. The situation today is much different thant 18 months ago, you can no longer ban, so you will do hacking in revenge against a third party to silence me. That is the new low of buyVM, how much lower can you go ? I guess that remains to be seen.
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Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
In the end though, this is a private matter that should probably be taken care of between the four of you guys in a private Skype conversation, I'd say this isn't something that should be aired in public. Mostly to save face and to prevent suggestive natures of each comment.
As much as I agree there, sadly I don't see it happening.  We tried that route before... and when we refused to meet his demands and admit that the lies told about us "were true", the nonsense went right back public again.

Now, if you were to issue a "cut this shit out, or else", I'm more than happy to just walk away and let him hang himself.  But understandably we can't just let someone sit there and spew libel uncontested.
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Active Member
I'm a customer of both BuyVM and Prometeus.

The way Mao has been carrying on like a petulant child in public for a long time, Sal's implicit support and a ticket where I was not satisfied with Mao's/"John's" ability to competently do his job, has destroyed the confidence I had in Prometeus and led to me gradually cancel a number of services as they come up for renewal.

I don't normally consider forum posts when making decisions about which services to buy - I've raged at my screen many times over things people like Aldryic and (when he was working at Catalyst) jarland have said but they never left me feeling like I couldn't trust them with my data. But Mao's posts are so rambling and incoherent and aggressive that I sometimes am concerned for his mental health. When there are so many critically important issues out there - privacy, security, the right to be anonymous or pseudonymous, the right to be forgotten - where I think Mao and I would probably mostly agree, he instead resorts to relentless dickwaving and thread derailing on the Internet at someone who doesn't even seem to want to argue with him.

And the worst thing? Mao was exactly the same before Sal was dopey enough to hire him - he knew exactly what he was getting himself into.


The Irrational One
Retired Staff
Not as a Moderator Talk:

I see HEP is stepping in again because this doesnt go well for you now, but who's fault is that ?
Ehh, that was more as a member of the community than a staff member talking :). I guess I should have stated that before, or better yet just have the ability to turn on/off the moderator label whenever I'm saying something.

This isn't really a game of tug-o-war but more like "let's pee where we eat" and I really do think it's just stress (sometimes holiday times are stressful, especially for people in this industry because of the winter hosts and the entire fact that some of us have to be on-call even on the holidays). I don't know if I'm reading your comments right but besides for having a service with BuyVM and enjoying their company (I consider them good friends :) )I really do not have any other affiliation with them. Of course I can say the same with you and Prometeus. I like you and Uncle (granted I don't think we've had extended discussions) and would be willing to help out if/whenever needed.

To address the hacking comment, unless both parties were on the same page I probably wouldn't have made a joke like that. Now granted I do joke with several individuals on IRC and poke fun at them (sometimes elude to said actions) but it's my understanding that we were on the same page with making those comments to each other, playful banter (although I doubt playful banter applies to this conversation).

I'm not trying to be one sided or anything really, but I really do believe the ability to solve this issue is to have a private discussion with the involved parties. Heck if you don't trust it then have a third party mediator get involved (who has no ties/not a client to either services) and maintain a guideline that was created/established and approved by both parties. I'm just trying to help solve this issue. I apologize if this isn't my place to talk about it (it's a private conflict), but it's just my two cents.

As much as I agree there, sadly I don't see it happening.  We tried that route before... and when we refused to meet his demands and admit that the lies told about us "were true", the nonsense went right back public again.

Now, if you were to issue a "cut this shit out, or else", I'm more than happy to just walk away and let him hang himself.  But understandably we can't just let someone sit there and spew libel uncontested.
Ehh, it's not a "cut this shit out" really because everyone's free to express their opinion and what they want to say (unless it's something like "I'm going to kill ___"), but from knowing Mao (or I think I do) through the character in his writing he's a minimalist with a strong sense of equality and a strong belief in following the guidelines (or rules?). Grated this can be incredibly time consuming, I really do believe establishing a set of guidelines and definitions first (what is deemed acceptable "proof", what is a "low blow", etc.) would help with solving this issue.

Now, I can't guarantee what I say is correct. Hell I'm skeptical of my own work frequently (I just can't trust myself sometimes), but I believe this is what'll at least ease the situation and help each side understand each other. It's just the lack of trust from each side that's causing an issue.


Active Member
I got a feeling that something is lost in translation.

As I said in other occasions, he was this way when I knew him, I'm not going to change him.

I wrote to you because of your words, you threatened my solus, so me in the end, and since I think it was not good from you I gave you a hand. You refused it? Have other stuff to do? No problem, I don't need your affect nor your precious time. 

I have to take care of my family. Good night.
From what I see above, when @prometeus said "I gave you a hand", he means to offer a peaceful solution. 

However, @Francisco miss understood it as "I gave you a hand = I helped you"

What "hand"? You'd be so lucky to have me watching out for your business. Every time a solus exploit has come out, or something is a miss and I spot it? I'm contacting every host I got on my skype to either shut down their solus or their WHMCS.

I f I may suggest, please @prometeus, @Francisco, @Aldryic C'boas, and @Mao cool yourself down, the four of you sit together and resolve the problem in private.

Truly, I like you all as my providers and friends. 
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