This is an old isue, I only mentioned it in the historical context.
It started from CC's doings and the attack of Spirit against DomainBop. He said "the people" are behind him when he said DomainBop was annoying (really ? poor guy has been a source of excellent historical data, I dont think that anyone except the cc guys finds him annoying, and CC only because the truth is not convenient). This is similar with what BuyVM did when they ruled there.
The difference is that, while I suspect that a few accounts were fake, those that set the tone, the majority of the people were indeed backing them. It took some time before the truth got out, and I only proved they are lying when they said everything is fine with their network, the problems only appeared when I convinced people to post speedtests, right....
After 2 months of dogging them, finally there were tens of people testifying about the horrible network there and they had to ban me for damage control, because they had now to tell with a straight face it is the DCs fault, a claim they were ridiculing each and every other provider, claiming incompetence instead, another double standard, buyvm style. Since then, how many DC's faults were there ? Aldryic never forgave me for that, but the feeling is mutual, I never forgave him for the banning either. Insults, name calling (I never did that, he was him all the time breaking the rules, yet he banned me...) that i can take, to a point, but dont mess with the freespeech. When "the people" are backing someone to handle out bans to the "annoying" people, a claim which wasnt even backed up later when the topic about my ban had to be sunk with lies (the ban was for 48 hours only, I was banned for supporting DDoS attacks against LET even though nobody could bring any proof and the only real acusation was that i was being aannoying, but annoying to whom ?). Even today their network sucks, compared with many other providers they are attacking, even CVPS.
That is the historic data, lets come back to Fran's more recent endeavours. Frankly, before last 2 weeks i had better impressions on him, I was only wondering why is he letting Aldryic damage his brand so badly, but that was his business, however, since he now tries to silence me by threatening prometeus, then everything changes. First, I proved their network sucks before I even had a prometeus VM, it was only in the last 2 weeks before the ban that i had one (signed up 17th march with prometeus, got banned 2nd of april and joined in october or so). Their attempt to silence me for the historical events then should have nothing to do with prometeus. But, here we are. This was, of course, only a joke...
I am unfortunately away from home and refrained so far from posting privaate pms, but I will try nevertheless because Fran is lying regarding the content and Aldryic asked for them, while Francisco didn say not to post them. As such, I think I am free to post it. Now, lets see how I manage, I will do another post with the pics.
No need for another thread, I posted all in one place : Judge yourselves if those are threats or trolling.
We all know Fran has been using Solus for stallion 1 and they withdrew their license, the guy appeared exactly when they were launching stallion 2 and their campaign against hosts using solus is well known. I have no doubt francisco knows the vulnerabilities left, so the threat looks very real to me., but otthers might think they were right to do it, so, the images are there as they asked.