Aaaand, people complain i say the same things, but they do the same. Of course others do because they dont read.
1. Prometeus is not my employer. I have own company which has a contract wot prometeus.
2. BuyVM is not in the position to demand anything, they should first prove I am wrong, there was never a network problem, then I admit the banning was correct. Until then it remains as before.
3. This is not the same thing it happened 18 months ago, now it is about whether Francisco has the right to demand something from Prometeus for something that happened long ago and they didnt prove their network had no problem at all (hence, they banned me for libel). Additionally, whether threatening Prometeus with hacking (or whatever calls that) or me for that matter is correct and justiffied.
For the most part people consider it is mostly correct, Francisco was provoked and he has the right to retaliate however he sees fit, legal, illegal, against me or a third party that does not matter.
The admins/mods in all but appearance took sides and try in various ways to close this thread without giving the real reason. Just look at MartinD recent post which was not constructive at all.
Since Aldryic changed tone and sounded reasonable, I was ready to compromise. Francisco apologises to Prometeus and I drop the matter, but as long as he has support and people consider he did the right thing, that will not happen, in the end it will be another ban or deleted posts, whatever, if it is going in the same direction.
While I dont have the time and heart to go on for their, I will if I have to. I will continue to prove that is not only imoral but also illegal. Since nobody cares, and there is the possibility to ignore me, then I dont see why would it matter.
As I said many times before, this has nothing to do with BuyVM not to mention Prometeus, even though BuyVM insists that is the case. They also insist they have to punish prometeus for what they did 18 months ago against an individual.
I am curious if it will work
