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  1. NodeBytes

    Simple server monitoring - Feedback appreciated (Public beta)

    Any plans for an external API for integration with other sites?
  2. NodeBytes

    VPN Multiple Servers Together

    Pertino can handle this. It's what I use.
  3. NodeBytes

    VPN service / provider recommendations rocks. 'nough said.
  4. NodeBytes

    Download all MP3 in XML file

    Hello all, I have an XML file with links to mp3 files. (RSS feed) I need to download all the mp3 files that are linked to on this XML file. Here's a sample item from the RSS feed. <item> <title>Simply Christmas, Part 3</title> <itunes:author>Tom Hughes</itunes:author> <itunes:summary/>...
  5. NodeBytes

    PHP What is my IP

    Agreed. I should have included that. This is just what I was using.
  6. NodeBytes

    PHP What is my IP

    Here's a quick page to show your current IP. <?php $ipaddress = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); echo "Your IP address is : $ipaddress"; ?>
  7. NodeBytes

    radio sensory beta.

    I'm sorry, but that was harsh. He has a cool idea, and while the implementation may not be the best it's a great start to a cool project. I could see this being a good resource for those with autism and other disabilities. Keep up the good work.  :)
  8. NodeBytes

    RamNode Seattle Network Upgrades

    Is colocation possible?
  9. NodeBytes

    Server Complete Dedicated Server
  10. NodeBytes

    Anyone using vestaCP? vestaCP review?

    I'm installing it right now :)
  11. NodeBytes

    Retry in 30 seconds

    This script basically emails me the ip address of my raspberry pi every time it reboots. It's so I can plug it in while I am out and ssh into it. It has it's own 4g dongle for internet.
  12. NodeBytes

    Server Complete Dedicated Server

    I've been looking for a good dedicated server. I stumbled upon this deal on DSD - and I bought one to check it out. So far I have had a great experience. It is fast and the network is pretty good. The server was provisioned within 12 hours on a custom order and had the...
  13. NodeBytes

    Retry in 30 seconds

    I just realized I can't do what I was trying to do... for other reasons. Basically if I can't connect to the internet the script kills itself as is and I need it not to do that. But this problem is fixed. :) Thanks for your help!
  14. NodeBytes

    Retry in 30 seconds

    Hey y'all how would you get a Python script to restart itself in 30 seconds? I don't need it to be a cron job, just if it fails to do something then wait 30 seconds and re-run the script.
  15. NodeBytes


    Yes. PM Me and I will give you RDP access to one of my machines. :)
  16. NodeBytes

    Web & Graphic Design

    Joomla! is used by a lot of huge companies and was developed by some of the best in the web hosting industry. It's definitely not the easiest to use and takes a lot of skill to use properly. It's also much more secure than many other CMS out there.  Edit: I know because I was trained on Joomla...
  17. NodeBytes

    Web design - need opinions

    I'll be honest, doesn't look very professional. It's a little cartoony. It may help to change the fonts and colors, the layout isn't all bad. Huge text isn't so needed. Try using smaller sizes for the text as well as better fonts. Google has some great web fonts
  18. NodeBytes

    Hiring PHP Programmer

    Looking for someone to build custom forms. Willing to pay for the work. Can't say much more publicly. PM for details if you are interested.
  19. NodeBytes

    Laptop or Tower PC?

    I work on a Macbook Pro full time. I upgraded it and it has an SSD as well as a spinning drive. I generally stay portable but I also have a screen that I plug in to on my desk. I'm getting a Dell Venue 8 Pro in the the next few weeks for client work that requires a Windows machine. This will...
  20. NodeBytes

    FitVPS pre-Xmas special offer - Atom with 3TB HDD for $30/month

    If Damian doesn't take it, I will. :)