
Search results

  1. NodeBytes

    How much would you pay for these?

    atom dual core What datacenter are these in?
  2. NodeBytes

    How much would you pay for these?

    1 - $40 2 - $15-20 - You can get a P4 for 19 at Wholesale 3 - $ 30
  3. NodeBytes

    BuyVM offloaded SQL

    I ended up moving away from it as well. I am now using two dedicated servers and one is a dedicated database server.
  4. NodeBytes


    Have any of you all used Siteleaf to build a website?  It's really a nice framework for building websites, blogs, portfolios...  I'm playing around with it and it's quite easy to work with. This is the site I'm working on - I've spent maybe an hour or two tinkering with it...
  5. NodeBytes

    Buying HDD's in USA? Recommendations needed

    I've had good luck with Amazon.
  6. NodeBytes

    Distro Server!

    Not at all, should be up soon. rsync work?
  7. NodeBytes

    Distro Server!

    I'm actually in the process of acquiring (almost) every version and putting it up on my mirror. Should be up soon.
  8. NodeBytes

    Distro Server!

    What versions of crunchbang are you looking for? I have a torrent server with a few versions.
  9. NodeBytes

    Anyone else use IRCCloud?

    PM me your email address.
  10. NodeBytes

    What OS on your Dedicated Servers?

    @swammy0037 - Which Distro/Flavor?
  11. NodeBytes

    Anyone else use IRCCloud?

    I have invites. Who wants em?
  12. NodeBytes

    Anyone else use IRCCloud?

    I've been playing around with it for the past couple hours, it's really awesome.
  13. NodeBytes

    Anyone else use IRCCloud?

    Anyone have any invites?
  14. NodeBytes

    gpg-mailgate-web outgoing mail encryptor

    I'd be interested in testing this.
  15. NodeBytes

    Integrating WHMCS with Jira

    The WMCS project management plugin is a bit more than I would like to pay.
  16. NodeBytes

    Favourite Web-dev IDE?

    I'm using Dreamweaver on my Mac and I love it. It's all I've used for a few years now.
  17. NodeBytes

    What OS on your Dedicated Servers?

    I've been thinking about switching to a new OS on my dedi at WSI just to try something new. What OS do you run on your Dedicated Servers? Why do you use that OS? Is your server in production use?
  18. NodeBytes

    Test your server's upload and download speed

    I'll donate one. PM Me.
  19. NodeBytes

    Test your server's upload and download speed

    Testing US locations Speedtest from Houston, TX, USA on a shared 1 Gbps port Download Speed: 4.66 MB/sec Upload speed: 9.14 MB/sec Speedtest from Los Angeles, CA, USA [ generously donated by ] on a shared 1 Gbps port Download Speed: 6.34 MB/sec Upload speed: 5.67...