
Search results

  1. zomgmike

    Iran now to be US' Less Nuclear Trading Partner,34676/ (unrelated and old but jumped to mind)
  2. zomgmike

    Quarter rack colocation and datacenter suggestion in the US midwest?

    wholesaleinternet in Kansas City is a good option.
  3. zomgmike

    Should service providers be able to refuse service based on country?

    I think it's widely accepted that the answer is, yes, it's fine to only do business with certain countries regardless of what industry you're in.  PayPal is a great example of a company that does this. Hosting plans are contracts. For small contracts, I might not care what country someone is in...
  4. zomgmike

    Acceptable time to wait for ticket response?

    Whether you have a $3 VPS or a $100 dedicated server, your ticket is going into the same queue.  The price of the package has less to do with the ticket response time than the way the support desk is run and the type of ticket that is submitted.  Unless a vendor explicitly sells different...
  5. zomgmike

    What do you tell people you do for a living?
  6. zomgmike

    Parallels rebrands and renames hosting provider unit to Odin.

    "And yes, the company was able to secure the domain name." I'd imagine that's the first thing that happened. " is available." "Well, I suppose that's the name then."
  7. zomgmike

    What do you tell people you do for a living?

    When you meet someone and they ask what you do, what do you tell them?  Most ways to phrase it get a blank and confused stare or a "ok I don't know what that is." It's a total conversation killer to tell people what we do. I usually just leave it at "Web hosting.  It's like Godaddy but we don't...
  8. zomgmike

    The cesspit / chat thread.

    If he wins you have an easy halloween costume for life, so the glass is half full.
  9. zomgmike

    The cesspit / chat thread.

    You could pass as a young ted cruz.
  10. zomgmike

    What's for Lunch?

    @MannDude  The pork chops look great. I briefly tried low carb last year.  Try this recipe but use a low carb tortilla.  It's out of this world.  Most low carb tortillas are tough and chewy, but Mission brand "carb balance" tortillas taste normal.  It's a technique reliant recipe, so give...
  11. zomgmike

    Since WHT isn't the same as 5+ years ago, where's all the 'good' traffic gone to?

    A lot of the classic arguments have played themselves out (i.e. every spin-off hosting related forum now has a unique definition of "unlimited"...probably due entirely to WHT debates) or the arguments are no longer relevant (i.e. power concerns in filling a rack.)  Most discussion is over before...
  12. zomgmike

    How to sell more VPS Servers

    Sales are great. Sales channels are better. Picture your ideal customer and why he'd buy your server.  Now picture where he and his colleagues would congregate.  Go there. Bump elbows. Hob knob.  Kiss babies.  Shake hands.
  13. zomgmike

    Cisco mails hardware to empty houses to dodge NSA chop shops

    Because mailing something to an abandoned house sounds safer.
  14. zomgmike

    Does your computer ever sleep?

    I sleep everything.  Anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 hours after I'm idle, it'll sleep.  I shut down only for critical updates. The laptop sleeps fine for weeks at a time.  I like that when I open it up, even a week later, the screen goes on and I'm right at the desktop instantly. Laptop: sleeps...
  15. zomgmike

    Hmmmm...... What are some apps you would like to see.

    I don't think you need an original idea for an app to be successful.  You just have to do it better than the apps out there.  Almost every app I use has some drawback.  Maybe it zaps the battery.  Maybe it's slow.  For example, a few months ago I was wanting to play blackjack.  I downloaded 2...
  16. zomgmike

    What to do with my High End VPS?

    Set up a blog and run ads on it.
  17. zomgmike

    Equipment Insurance

    Do whatever makes the most sense financially....which will probably ultimately be getting the infrastructure insured separately from other general business insurance.  Insurance is one wacky realm, though.  You'll probably get 50 different answers to that question if you ask 50 different people.
  18. zomgmike

    What are some uncommon and unique web-servers such as Cherokee and Hiawatha?

    The bounty would have to be "more hours in a day" :D
  19. zomgmike

    What are some uncommon and unique web-servers such as Cherokee and Hiawatha?

    Working my way down that list, the ones I can remember being specfically mentioned during the sales process are: Apache HTTP Server Apache Tomcat Internet Information Services Jetty lighttpd LiteSpeed Web Server Mongoose Nginx One man's rare is another man's common, so I listed...