
Search results

  1. ihatetonyy

    Multi Location Traceroute Project

    CVPS/Hostigation/BlueVM Los Angeles/QuadraNET CVPS Chicago/ColoCrossing QuickPacket Las Vegas NodeDeploy Phoenix URPad Dallas/ColoCrossing Catalyst Dallas/Incero NodeDeploy Atlanta 24KHost South Bend EOReality NYC/Ubiquity NodeDeploy Frankfurt Prometeus Milan
  2. ihatetonyy

    Multi Location Traceroute Project

    I can throw in a few. I've got.. a lot.. so what locations do you need covered?
  3. ihatetonyy

    Share a website that's not of the "big ten"

    DSLReports/BroadbandReports: Really good for (mainly US-centric) news about cable/telcos, and tech news. The ISP direct-support forums are great too -- cuts out the support people reading from scripts.
  4. ihatetonyy

    Hosted by Colocrossing

    I remember some discussions a while back about DDoS.. just pulled them up: @CVPS_Chris: And then in another, earlier discussion: @Francisco:
  5. ihatetonyy

    Should we have this as homepage?

    It'd be nice to be able to have an option or something to make that your homepage. I got way too used to the Vanilla/LET style of forum-perusing and it's kind of convenient.
  6. ihatetonyy

    Online Radio

    crtmpserver -
  7. ihatetonyy

    Best web server when resources are not limited?

    If you have a fairly large amount of money, my understanding is that LiteSpeed and its caching product (when properly tweaked) can run circles around nginx or Apache.
  8. ihatetonyy

    Low resource blogging platform

    Chyrp is really nice.
  9. ihatetonyy

    Introduction thread

    LET refugee, just following the tide.
  10. ihatetonyy

    What providers do you use?

    A wide cross-section of providers. Catalyst, NodeDeploy, ServerDragon, BlueVM, BuyVM, ChicagoVPS, Hostigation, RAMNode, RAMHost. They're all "production" but I've got the stuff that I can't have go down at Catalyst.