
Search results

  1. ErrantWeb-Travis

    Srvis LLC - Shared Hosting - Troy, MI - cPanel - $10.00/year!

    Srvis LLC has been around as ErrantWeb since 2012. We have been providing outstanding hosting opportunities for websites of all sizes out of our Metro-Detroit location. Housed in Troy, MI Waveform technology is where we host our Shared Hosting services.    We provide 24x7 support via ticket...
  2. ErrantWeb-Travis

    15 vpses (looking)

    If your looking for San Diego or Detroit (Troy, MI) I should be able to offer those. Let me know.
  3. ErrantWeb-Travis

    (UK) Ten Identical VPS's needed

    What is the max you can take ping wise? 
  4. ErrantWeb-Travis

    ErrantWeb - $7.00/year or $0.01/first month! - Troy, MI - cPanel - Phone Support

      We're here to bring you some amazing shared website hosting plans. We run the latest cPanel, softaculous, and provide a outstanding 99% uptime guarantee. We hope that you would be willing to try out our service, because we know that once you try it you wont switch back. We also include a...
  5. ErrantWeb-Travis

    Yet Another SolusVM Alternative: VPSM

    Sounds like a great alternative, I'm kind of glad so many more panels are coming out now, gives a lot of choices.  I'm sad to see that there's been a problem with funding however. :( 
  6. ErrantWeb-Travis

    VPSDATABASE | OpenVZ/KVM | Linux/Windows | LIFETIME DISCOUNTS! | Starting $6/Month |

    Nice logo :), I'm guessing you guys rent the hardware?  Also what version of Windows do the windows vps's come with?
  7. ErrantWeb-Travis

    Budget Phone Service

    I'm currently using Virgin Mobile, I've been with them for a while now (years) I've had the LG Optimus, Motorola Triumph, HTC Evo 3d, and now the iPhone 5. I started paying $25/m when that's what the price was for the first two phones, then I got switched onto their new pricing with the HTC so...
  8. ErrantWeb-Travis

    ErrantWeb - Troy, MI & San Diego, CA - OpenVZ - Starting at $10/year!

    First orders are manually provisioned to prevent spam. We also have MaxMind in place. Once your first order is approved it is automatic setup for all future orders as long as you have one active. MaxMind always reviews orders no matter if it is your first or your 50th. You should be setup now...
  9. ErrantWeb-Travis

    ErrantWeb - Troy, MI & San Diego, CA - OpenVZ - Starting at $10/year! - For Troy, MI - I'll have it up later today as a test IP for San Diego.
  10. ErrantWeb-Travis

    ErrantWeb - Troy, MI & San Diego, CA - OpenVZ - Starting at $10/year!

    Sorry about that, must have copied and pasted it before I pressed submit on accident. All plans have been updated to the correct values. Thanks for letting me know Prestige :) Regards, Travis W.
  11. ErrantWeb-Travis

    ErrantWeb - Troy, MI & San Diego, CA - OpenVZ - Starting at $10/year!

    ErrantWeb has been providing services since 2012, we are always looking to make offers for you guys! We've designed our new 128MB plans around the fact that you want to pay for a service for a year, and get what you paid for. We believe that you will enjoy the new plans! Please take a look below...
  12. ErrantWeb-Travis

    Mintpanel review - Piece of crapware

    When I used to host minecraft I had a ton of licenses for Multicraft, I still think they made a pretty good product, however their new pricing scheme I don't care for. Mint looks like it is being abandoned. Is anyone using the cPanel game server hosting thing?
  13. ErrantWeb-Travis

    Summer 2013 - 4GB No wait... 8GB?

    Way too much specs for wayy to little price. No one can do $5/m for 8GB especially on KVM. 
  14. ErrantWeb-Travis

    VPS that can always be had for $10/year

    We're bringing a $10/year plan to San Diego if your interested in getting more info on it you can contact me. It might be a special plan though, but we could work out details.
  15. ErrantWeb-Travis

    Ubuntu Edge - Ubuntu Smartphone

    I feel like they are asking for a lot for the phone up front from people. I mean they surely might need that amount of funding, however they should have smaller incentives for people, perhaps a cheap Ubuntu desktop or something for like $100 that they can make $50 on. Cool stuff to make people...
  16. ErrantWeb-Travis

    Whats your home connection speed?

    I get around 60 down 10 up on my home connection. I'm on a crappy wifi card upstairs though so 20 down ish.
  17. ErrantWeb-Travis

    [ERRANT WEB] Detroit VPS Offers! - Starting at $15/Year - Troy, MI Location - RAID

    ErrantWeb has been providing hosting solutions out of Troy, MI since launch in January of 2012. We've worked our hardest to be the best virtual solutions provider in Metro-Detroit and we think we've achieved that. To hold this position we're increasing bandwidth and lowering pricing! Yes...